These are the latest Canvas system updates that will become available on 19 August 2023. Please click on an update to expand and view the information. System updates are subject to change and may be subsequently updated. If you have questions, please submit a support ticket via the help menu in Canvas


Update 1: Gradebook - Enhanced Gradebook Filter. This update is available for the Canvas Teacher and Teacher Assistant Roles.


The Enhanced Gradebook feature provides instructors with a more efficient and intuitive way to organise and sort their Gradebooks.

Create and Manage Filter Presets Link

Create and Manage Filter Presets Link

In the Gradebook, to create new presets or edit existing presets, click the Create and Manage Filter Presets option.

Create Filter Preset Sidebar

Create Filter Preset Sidebar

To create a custom filter, enter the filter types and click the Save Filter Preset button.

Enhanced Gradebook Filters View

Enhanced Gradebook Filters View

Once the filter preset has been saved, to apply the filter, click the Apply Filters button [1] and then the name of the desired filter [2]. To remove a filter preset, click the Clear All Filters link [3].

Note: Gradebook data will remain filtered until the filter is removed.

Import, Export and, Settings Buttons

Import, Export and, Settings Buttons

The Import and Export options [1] display as buttons. Additionally, View Options are now available in Settings [2].

Additional Details: For more information, see the Enhanced Gradebook Filter instructor guides.


Update 2: Rich Content Editor - Edit Course Link Sidebar. This update is available for the Canvas Teacher, Teacher Assistant and Course Designer Roles.


When editing a course link, the sidebar is updated to allow users to view the name of the current link and choose a replacement from all available course links.

This update allows users to quickly and efficiently update course links.

Edit Course Link Sidebar

Edit Course Link Sidebar

When editing a course link, to update a link, view the name of the current link [1], choose a replacement link [2] and click the Replace button [3].

Additional Details: Previously, users could only update the text and view the link URL.


Canvas Deploy Release Updates.


02 Aug 2023: Announcements – Unpublished Course Warning. This update is available for the Canvas Teacher and Teacher Assistant Roles.

When creating an Announcement in an unpublished course, a warning displays that notifications are not sent retroactively.

This update clarifies announcement notification expectations in unpublished courses.

Unpublished Course Announcement Warning

Unpublished Course Announcement Warning

When creating an Announcement in an unpublished course, a warning displays.


02 Aug 2023: Announcements – Editing an Announcement Warning. This update is available for the Canvas Teacher and Teacher Assistant Roles.

When editing an Announcement, a warning displays that the user will not receive a notification of the update. To receive updated notifications for edited announcements via the notifications settings, a new announcement must be created.

This update clarifies announcement notification expectations for edits made to Announcements.

Edit an Announcement Warning

Edit an Announcement Warning

When editing an Announcement, a warning displays.


16 Aug 2023: Inbox – Number of Recipients. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.

In the Inbox, when composing a message to all members with a specific user role in a course, the number of users in that specific role displays.

This update allows users to view how many people will receive the message in a specific user role.

Inbox Compose Message To Field

Inbox Compose Message To Field

When sending a message to All in Students, the number of students in that course displays.








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