These are the latest Canvas system updates that will become available on 19 November 2022. Please click on an update to expand and view the information. If you have questions, please submit a support ticket via the help menu in Canvas.

Please note that system updates are subject to change and may be subsequently updated.


Canvas Deploy Release Updates.


09 Nov 2022: Rich Content Editor – External Link Icon, Download File Icon, Focus Ring Around Content Match Link Color. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.

The external link icon and download file icon that appear next to external links and files match the link colour. Additionally, the focus ring that displays when tabbing through content matches the link colour.

This update allows branding consistency, improved accessibility, and makes the icons visible and consistent when the link colour is changed in the Rich Content Editor (e.g. using a white link on a dark background).

View External Link Icon

View Download Icon

The external link icon and download file icon match the link color.


View Focus Ring

When a user uses the Tab key with focusable content, the focus ring around the content matches the institution’s theme color.


09 Nov 2022: Rich Content Editor – Raw and Pretty HTML Editor Links to Buttons Update. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.

The Raw HTML Editor and the Pretty HTML Editor links have been updated to Switch to raw HTML Editor and Switch to pretty HTML Editor buttons.

This update allows for improved accessibility in the Rich Content Editor.

Switch to Raw HTML Editor Button

To edit HTML using the raw HTML Editor, click the Switch to raw HTML Editor button.


Switch to Pretty HTML Editor Button

To edit HTML using the pretty HTML editor, click the Switch to pretty HTML Editor button.


09 Nov 2022: Rich Content Editor – Retain Replaced Image Style, Height, and Width. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.

In the Rich Content Editor, when a user replaces an image with a Course or User image, the style, height and width are retained.

This update allows users to keep replaced images consistent.


Other recent updates - Personal Pronouns in your Canvas Profile.


Gender pronouns are the terms people choose to refer to themselves that reflect their gender identity. These might be he/him, she/her or gender-neutral pronouns such as they/them.

Indicating your pronouns is a personal choice and you have the option to update your Canvas profile to include your personal pronouns. Once you update your pronouns in Canvas, they will appear next to your name in a variety of locations throughout Canvas.

For more detailed instructions, please see Pronouns – what are they and how can we use them?