These are the latest Canvas system updates that will become available from 15 October 2022. Please click on an update to expand and view the information. If you have any questions please submit a support ticket via the help menu in Canvas.

Please note that system updates are subject to change and may be subsequently updated.


Update 1: Speedgrader - Multi-File Submissions Display as Single Submission for Third-Party Tools. This update is available for the following Canvas Roles: Teacher and Teaching Assistant.


When using third-party tools to upload assignments, multiple files submitted together will display as a single submission in Speedgrader.

This update allows instructors to view submissions with multiple files together in Speedgrader.

Multiple files submitted together display as a single submission in Speedgrader.

Multi-File Submission Speedgrader Display

Additional Details: Previously, when using third-party tools to submit assignments, each file displayed as a separate submission.


Update 2: Pages - Schedule Page Publication. This update is available for the following Canvas Roles: Teacher, Teaching Assistant and Course Designer.


Instructors can delay pages for publication on a specific date and time.

This update allows instructors to prepare and schedule pages in advance to automatically publish in a course.

When editing a page, select a Publish At date [1] and enter a Time [2].

Edit Page Publish At Field

Click Save.

Edit Page Save Button


In Modules and Pages, instructors can view when a page is scheduled to publish.

Schedule Page to Publish Icon

Additional Details: Scheduled pages remain invisible to students until the publish date and time.


Canvas Deploy Release Updates.


28 Sept 2022: Rich Content Editor – External Link Icon Update. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.

The icon identifying the use of external links has been updated.

External Link Icon

When an external link is used, the updated icon displays.


Other recent updates: Canvas Integration - Turnitin LTI.


14 Sept 2022: Warning when instructors grade an assignment early while resubmissions are enabled. This update is available for Instructor roles in Turnitin.

When Turnitin assignments are set up to allow for resubmissions and an instructor grades submissions prior to the due date, any further resubmissions will delete existing feedback and grades from the Turnitin Feedback Studio.

A warning pop-up has been added to inform instructors of this behavior when attempting to grade an assignment with resubmissions enabled.


23 Sept 2023: Improvements to the paper deletion process. This update is available for Instructor roles in Turnitin.

Previously, when a paper has been permanently deleted, the notification did not provide updated information. Instructors will now receive new notification text with detailed information about the status of the deletion request.


05 Oct 2023: Administrators will now receive a weekly wrap-up email for Paper Deletion requests. This update is available for Instructor roles in Turnitin.

Email requests for paper deletions will now be sent once a week rather than separate emails. It will contain both the total number of pending requests and the number of new requests that have been added to the total since the last email.