These are the latest Canvas system updates that will become available from 18 December 2021. Please click on an update to expand and view the information. If you have any questions please submit a support ticket via the help menu in Canvas.

Please note that system updates are subject to change and may be subsequently updated.


Canvas Deploy Release Updates.


15 Dec 2021: Rich Content Editor – Image Options Percentage. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.”]

Embedded images in the Rich Content Editor can be customised by pixels or percentages.

This change allows users to enter percentages when changing the size of an image.

When an image is added to the Rich Content Editor, the Image Options sidebar includes pixels and percentage options. By default, images are still displayed in pixels. However, the percentage radio button can be selected, and a percentage can be entered to resize the image. Percentages must be a number and must be at least 10%.

Image Options Percentage Button

Image Options Percentage Button


15 Dec 2021: Course Import – Content Import Warning Message. This update is available for the following Canvas Roles: Teacher, Teaching Assistant and Course Designer.”]

As part of the course import processes in Assignments and Course Settings, Canvas displays a warning message about overriding existing content.

This change reminds users that overriding existing content may have adverse effects.

When the Copy To option is selected in Assignments, the Copy To menu includes the message that importing the same course content or export package more than once will overwrite any existing content in the course.

Copy To Menu

Copy To Menu


Additionally, this message is displayed when the Course Import option is used in Course Settings to import course content.

Course Import Window

Course Import Window


Additional Details: Limitations for the course import tool can also be found in the Canvas Basics Guide, What is the Course Import Tool?


15 Dec 2021: Course Import – Gradebook Late Policy Support. This update is available for the following Canvas Roles: Teacher and Teaching Assistant.”]

Late Policies are supported in Course Imports.

This change allows authorised users to copy courses and retain Late Policy settings in the Gradebook.

When course content is exported into an export package, the Gradebook Late Policy is included in the export. Additionally, if the course is imported or copied to another Canvas course, the Late Policy is also retained as part of the import or copy.


15 Dec 2021: User Settings – To Do SpeedGrader Link Tab Setting. This update is available for the following Canvas Roles: Teacher and Teaching Assistant.”]

User Settings includes an option for managing To Do items in browser tabs.

This change allows instructors to set their preference on managing To Do tabs in Canvas.

In User Settings, the Feature Options section includes an option to open To Do items in a new tab. This setting is turned on by default. Instructors can disable this option if they prefer to open SpeedGrader links in the existing browser tab.

To Do Items in User Settings

To Do Items in User Settings


Additional Details: The To Do link change was originally introduced in the 2021-09-15 deploy and affects SpeedGrader links in the Dashboard. This change was intended to provide consistency within the To Do list. This setting allows SpeedGrader links in either location to open in a new tab or in the existing browser tab. This change does not affect student roles.


15 Dec 2021: Notifications – Notifications Delivery Details. This update is available for all Canvas Roles.”]

The Notifications page displays the date and time of daily and weekly notifications.

This change allows users to know what date and time notifications are sent from Canvas, as notification delivery varies among users.

The top of the Notifications page includes a banner that displays notification delivery dates and times for each user. Notifications details are displayed for both daily and weekly notifications. The notification can be dismissed from the page if desired.

Notifications Delivery Details

Notifications Delivery Details


15 Dec 2021: Settings – Feature Preview Beta Label Updates. This update is available for the following Canvas Roles: Teacher, Teaching Assistant and Course Designer.”]

Beta labels have been updated in the Feature Preview pages for both Account and Course Settings. The Beta label represents features that are still in development.


15 Dec 2021: Improved Outcomes Management – Outcomes Friendly Descriptions. This update is available for the following Canvas Roles: Teacher and Teaching Assistant.”]

This change allows the Outcomes Friendly Description to be visible to parents and students.

When creating outcomes, admins and instructors have the option to create a custom or more friendly description, that is more helpful to students. This separate name field is located below the official description of the outcome, which is still retained for reference within the course.

The friendly description field is also visible as part of the Find Outcome window.

Admins with permission to manage outcomes can create friendly descriptions for the account and for all courses. Instructors with permission can only create friendly descriptions for outcomes created within their own courses.

Students and parents will be able to view friendly descriptions as part of viewing outcomes in the Student Learning Mastery Gradebook. If a friendly description does not exist for an outcome, the outcome will display the regular description, if available.

Friendly Description Text Box

Friendly Description Text Box


Additional Details: The Learning Mastery Gradebook is a feature option that can be enabled on a course-by-course basis. If this gradebook is not enabled, students and parents cannot view outcomes details.

Friendly descriptions are supported in Outcomes for course imports, course copies, and Blueprint Courses.

Account-level descriptions take precedence over course-level descriptions. If an account has set a friendly description of an outcome, that description is used when viewing the outcome from a course. If a description is added to an account outcome at the course level, and then a description is later added at the account level for the same outcome, the account description takes precedence and overwrites the course description.