Canvas Discussions and Announcements: A New Look and Improved Features
From 20 July 2024, Canvas Discussions and Announcements will have a new look and improved features. With this update, there

Student Story Example
Microsoft Teams has quickly become one of the most popular collaboration platforms on the market. Its various features and integrations

Personal Pronouns in your Canvas Profile
Pronouns – what are they and how can we use them? Gender pronouns are the terms people choose to refer

Understanding What Really Matters to Students
In February 2022, a Task & Finish Group of key stakeholders was established to address the issue of inconsistent layout

Digital Portfolios
Introduction to e-Portfolios ePortfolios are digital presentations of a student’s experiences, achievements and aspirations. Creating an ePortfolio involves skills essential

Introducing Canvas in AY24/25
A number of resources are available in time for September 2024 to support teaching staff when introducing Canvas to new

Issues with Student Access to MS Stream Videos
MS Stream Potential Issues There are 2 potential issues to highlight in this post Due to some restrictions on Apple

Updating The Image On Your Course Card
Your Canvas course card is the first impression students get of your class. A visually appealing and relevant image can