Alternative Resit Assessments in Canvas
When preparing for Alternative Resit Assessment in Canvas, the guidance remains the same as advised during the alternative assessment period in May 2024 with regards to the Top 9 Key Consideration for use of Canvas (see below). A reminder to keep it simple, low tech and continue to avoid the use of TII and Canvas quizzes which relies on students having bandwidth and equipment in a short timeframe.
The key difference for the Alternative Resit Assessment period is with regards to the set-up of assignments in Canvas. If you have previously completed an alternative assessment on your module, please DO NOT amend the previous Alternative assignment. A NEW assignment should be set up within the same Canvas assignment Group and assigned only to those students who are taking the Alternative Resit Assessment in August 2024.
It is imperative that Alternative Resit Assessments in Canvas are setup in the correct way to avoid potential pitfalls.
📑 The videos below show you how to apply the Canvas Assignment Checklist which can be used to guide you in setting up your alternative resit assessment.
Video Guidance
The 3 videos below will help you to work through the steps in the Canvas Assignment Checklist outlining where the settings are located and how they should be applied:
Steps to Prepare
Alternative Assessment Settings
Marking Student Submissions
Top 9 Key Consideration for use of Canvas
When preparing for Alternative Resit Assessment in Canvas, the recommendation would be that the method of assessment that requires the least amount of technology should be preferred over more technology reliant alternatives. In the current context, the less complex the assessment is, the better able students will be to adjust and succeed. Some key considerations to bear in mind when planning Alternative Resit Assessment in Canvas:
- Keep it Simple – from instructions to submissions, simplify the process.
- Stick with Low-Tech – Don’t over rely on complex technology.
- Devices – Students may not have the hardware required. Consider how students will access and summit their assignments. A mobile phone may be the only device they have access to.
- Turnitin – Schools are advised that they do not request students to submit online exams through Turnitin. There are many potential issues if this method of submission is chosen, including the potential for incorrect Turnitin setup and obvious load on the system. The emphasis here is on avoiding a scenario where the student themselves have to submit in a short timeframe.
- Anonymous Grading: In this current situation, Schools are advised not to proceed with anonymity for alternative resit assessments in Canvas.
- Use Assignments rather than Quizzes: the use of any real time quizzing system should be avoided as it relies on students having bandwidth and equipment to submit in a short timeframe, which really puts concentrated pressure on the system.
- Accessibility – Assessment approaches must allow all students to have the opportunity to engage fully and perform on an equal basis with their peers and designing for accessibility is important when creating online assessments. Students have been advised to contact their Disability Officer, once they receive details of the alternative resit assessment, if they think they may require a reasonable adjustment. The Disability Services team can be contacted at: disability.office@qub.ac.uk
- Consider all eventualities – Have a Plan B in place for submission, e.g. use of email to upload/submit files.
- Sign up for Training – Check details above for online virtual training sessions over the coming days.
Assessments during the Supplementary Assessment Period in August 2024 will still be assessed under the University’s Supplementary Regulations and Resit Supplementary Regulations Addendum. There will be three types of assessment opportunities offered in this period:
- Second opportunities for full marks provided under Supplementary Regulations, for those students who have applied to their School, within the permitted period, to avail of this opportunity.
- First attempts at assessments for full marks where exceptional circumstances were granted pre-16 March 2020 or due to an alternative teaching schedule (e.g. January intake).
- Resits of failed modules or compulsory elements completed pre-16 March 2020 for capped marks.
The Quality Assurance and Regulations (QAR) Team has revised the Guidance for Schools on Supplementary Regulations to apply to the Supplementary Assessment Period. Advice has been provided specific to the three separate cohorts identified as they will be dealt with differently by Boards of Examiners under the relevant regulations.
Need Help?
Examinations Office
- For all queries during the Alternative Resit Assessment period, please contact:exams@qub.ac.uk
- Examinations Office link to further information for Staff.
- Examinations Office link to further information for Students.
Canvas Tier 1 Support
For all your Canvas Related Queries, go to HELP menu option in Canvas. The Canvas Tier 1 Team are available 24x7x365 for all Staff and Students. There are a number of contact methods available to you via the HELP menu option in Canvas. Tier1 support technical queries and provide advice on your ‘how do I…’ type questions. If for any reason you cannot log in to Canvas, Tier1 Support can also be reached outside of Canvas by email: support@instructure.com
Academic Affairs
For all guidance and information on the implementation of the Supplementary Regulations.
The QAR Team in Academic Affairs will provide a range of regulatory support during this period. If you do have any queries, please use the qar@qub.ac.uk email address and indicate which School you are representing in the Subject bar of the email. For more information, guidance can be found on the General Regulations page
Centre for Educational Development (CED)
For all queries relating to remote teaching preparation.
The VLE Pedagogy Support Team based in CED, are ready to assist with any of the options described on this page. We can take you through the various steps involved in setting up your assignments in Canvas. If you are not sure where to start, please get in touch. We can help with any query you may have with how Canvas can support alternative assignment options. Here to help! Email: eLearning@qub.ac.uk