Our Student Officers are the leaders of Queen’s Students’ Union. They are responsible for representing Queen’s University students. They make sure that your voice is heard by senior members of staff at the Union and the University, and work to empower all students. Nominations are now open until Thurs 30 […]
SU Voice
Well, what a semester it’s been! From exciting new QSU projects to student-led events, it’s been a busy and impactful start to the year. We’ve been blown away by the incredible contributions of our students, whether it’s getting involved in clubs & societies, mental health activities and volunteering opportunities, or […]
The results are in, thank you so much to the 5,929 students voted in this year’s SU Elections- it was a record breaking year of voting! A BIG congratulations to our newly elected Student Officers and Reps. We can’t wait to see what amazing things you will achieve for students […]
As we all step into a brand-new year, you may have some resolutions involving trying something new. meeting new people or pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. Now is the perfect time to amplify your university experience by getting involved with the heartbeat of student life- your Students’ Union. Beyond […]
We’ve Student Councillor; Faculty, School and Course Rep roles available now! Here’s 5 top reasons why you should stand to be a Student Rep by 5pm, Thursday 28 Sept. 1. You’ll Meet Loads of New People In your role, you’ll get the opportunity to meet lots of new people and […]
Course Reps are a vital part of university life and we’re currently looking for reps for the 2023/24 academic year! Find out more before and put yourself forward now! Course Reps are students that represent other Queen’s students on their course. They work with other reps and staff in their […]
Nominations are now open for our SU Awards! Here’s everything you need to know about them: Academic Rep of the Year (Undergrad & Postgrad!) Best New Club or Society Best Student-Led Activity Charitable Impact Award Most Improved Club or Society Outstanding Contribution to the Community President’s Award Society of the Year […]
It’s been a busy semester at Queen’s Students’ Union! Here’s just a snapshot of what your Student Officers and SU Staff have worked on this semester to represent and support Queen’s students: We distributed over 4,800 free breakfasts to students where we learned that the main pressure points you were […]
It’s finally here! We hope you love this space as much we do, and we can’t wait to see you there! But for now, have a quick read to find out more about your new Students’ Union…. There are loads of areas to chill out or study with friends, from […]
The course that you have chosen is massively important- it’s your chance to study something that you are passionate about surrounded by likeminded individuals, which will set you on the path towards your future career. But it’s important to remember it’s not the only part of your university life – […]
The Summer break is the perfect time to reflect on all the things that we got up to throughout the last year! Here’s just a snapshot of what your Student Officers and SU Staff have worked on this year to represent and support Queen’s students… We relaunched our OMNI Mental […]