The results are in, thank you so much to the 5,929 students voted in this year’s SU Elections- it was a record breaking year of voting!
A BIG congratulations to our newly elected Student Officers and Reps. We can’t wait to see what amazing things you will achieve for students next year.
Read on for the full breakdown of your elected Student Officers, Student Reps and QUB RAG (Raise & Give) Charities for 2024/25…

- President: Kieran Minto
- UG Education Officer: Eli McBriarty
- PG Education Officer: Amy Smith
- Campaigns & Engagement Officer: Saj Khan
- Equality & Diversity Officer: Suyi Yang
- Welfare Officer: Jess Hindley

- Disabled Students’ Association: Joel Hartley
- Environmental Action Students’ Association: Beth Elder
- Ethnically Diverse Students’ Association: Divyanshu Chugh
- International Students’ Association: Varshitha Manjunath
- Irish Language Students’ Association: Tiarna O’Neill
- LGBT+ Students’ Association: Jack Lydon
- Mature and Part-Time Students’ Association: Janavi Vashdev Motwani
- Trans Students’ Association: Ash Caulfield
- Women Students’ Association: Emily Burke
- Student Parents’ and Carers’ Students’ Association: Kelly Razey

- Undergraduate Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: Alex Sheridan
- Undergraduate Engineering and Physical Sciences: Michael E. Loughran
- Undergraduate Medicine, Health and Life Sciences: Nadine Curtis

- Arts, English and Languages: Alex Sheridan
- Biological Sciences: Annie O’Neill
- Chemistry & Chemical Engineering: Robbie Mitchell
- Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science: Tom Bloomer
- History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics: Connor Darragh
- Law: Lewis Robinson
- Queen’s Business School: Jason Wong
- Mathematics & Physics: Oliver Boyce
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering: Himanshu Betude
- Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences: Swati Joshi
- Natural and Built Environment: Joel Sheridan
- Nursing & Midwifery: Maria Teixeira
- Pharmacy: Maria Murray
- Psychology: Faith Wallace
- Social Sciences, Education and Social Work: Chloe Marks

- Carers Northern Ireland
- Nexus NI

- Battle of the Halls: BT2
- Clubs & Societies Showdown: Paddlesports Club