Student blog by Emma Smith, Arts, English and Languages Student
Christmas as a student can be full on! As well as spending quality time with family and friends, there will be parties to attend, as well as gifts to buy and receive. But then there are the dreaded deadlines looming which can quickly take the shine off the festivities!
To help you have a stress-free time over the festive season our SU Advice Intern, Emma, has written a handy blog with her tops tips to keep in mind over the holidays.

1. Money
- Christmas can easily become one of the most expensive times of the year. So, check out the 7 thrifty ways to save money this Christmas with Blackbullion. While you are there, make sure you register with Blackbullion, our all-in-one student money management space. Here you have unlimited access to 100’s of articles, videos, and info about funding opportunities. Just register as a student of Queen’s Students’ Union to get immediate free access.
- Beware of online scams. The last-minute dash to buy presents, especially online, can leave us more vulnerable to falling for scams. Get Safe Online provides expert advice on how to protect yourself, your finances, and your devices over the festive season.
- Remember to also keep a close eye on your bank account and contact your bank at once if transactions appear that you don’t recognise.

2. Going Home
You are probably excited about heading home but don’t lose sight of getting organised before you go.
- Book travel tickets in advance. Your bank balance will also thank you for this! The further in advance you book flights, trains, and buses, the cheaper they may be.
- Think about your student house! If there is a very cold spell of weather expected, turn the heating thermostat to low and set the timer to come on for a short time each day – no one wants to come back to burst pipes!
- Lock every door, secure windows, and remove valuables from view. Take your keys with you or leave with a trusted friend. Don’t even think about leaving them under the mat! Think about having someone visit the house to check all is OK and keep in mind, some private tenancy agreements have limits on how long the house is allowed to be empty.
- Empty the fridge! Sometimes it’s the simple stuff that gets overlooked.

3. Deadlines
- Don’t get too swept up in the party season. Coursework is still as important as ever. Remember, there will be assessments to complete and deadlines to meet.
- Plan your time! It may seem obvious and simple but having a study plan can help reduce stress and keep you organised. Think about when deadlines and exams are and when study needs to be your focus. But also factor in time off for Christmas celebrations!
- Stay motivated! I know, easier said than done. It’s rubbish that the deadlines coincide with the holidays, but don’t burn yourself out. Take regular timed breaks and reward yourself for hard work.
- Get rid of those distractions! Rather than doing one day’s work in a week with distractions everywhere, do a solid day of studying in a distraction-free zone. Then, you can give whatever else you have planned your full attention.
So, keep up with deadlines, keep your eyes on your wallet, and don’t leave any leftovers in the fridge.
But most importantly Happy Holidays!