Category Archives: Sabrina Cipullo

Outreach and Engagement – Cambridge Environmental Assessments

Sabrina Cipullo 

Working hard setting up experiments, getting the expected results, and publishing your work in great journals are all key goals for a researcher; however communicating your research outside academia it is also a professionally valuable experience. On the 6th of July I had the chance to present my research and learn more about the great work that they do at Cambridge Environmental Assessments (CEA).

CEA is located in the picturesque countryside location of Boxworth, in Cambridge. The Ecotoxicology team and Dr Adrian Terry (Head of CEA) were very kind to meet me and discuss my work. I was interested in understanding the implications of my research in the environmental sector, and to gain insight into the roles and responsibilities of different job/pathways outside academia.

During the last year of my PhD as part of Remediate I have been focused on linking the bioavailability of complex chemical mixtures to toxicity changes, providing multiple lines of evidence to inform risk management decisions at contaminated sites. I presented my work on an experimental setup where contaminated soils (collected from former gaswork sites) were treated with amendments (biochar or compost), incubated for 6 months, and their toxicity evaluated through different ecotoxicological assays. The CEA team was very engaged, asked a lot of questions, and provided valuable feedback on my work.

During the day, Dr Terry introduced me to the CEA team – which includes experts in environmental fate and behaviour, exposure and spatial modelling, ecotoxicology and toxicology- and explained the overall aim and objectives of the company.

Ecotoxicological assays earthworms acute toxicity test (above) and seed germination (below) at Cranfield University

Dr Hanna Schuster presented the current work on over 200 outdoor aquatic mesocosms (flat-bottomed or sloped) to simulate different edge-of-field environments with a focus on plants and invertebrates (e.g. in-house identification of freshwater phytoplankton, periphyton, macrophytes, zooplankton, and macroinvertebrates). Hanna also guided me through the facility to visit their mesocosms setup for bespoke higher-tier aquatic studies.

Mesocosms setup for bespoke higher-tier aquatic studies at Cambridge Environmental Assesment (CEA)

Dr Nadine Taylor presented a range of different work, including the very interesting research projects she developed during her PhD and postdoc using molecular high throughput techniques and physiological endpoints to determine ecosystem changes to environmental stress.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Remediate ITN for providing funding for my training and networking opportunities, and to Ecotoxicology team and Adrian Terry for hosting me at CEA and appreciating my research work. It was a great day for me to network and discuss my work with experts in the field, and hopefully future collaborations will arise from this meeting.

Learn more about CEA here

AquaConSoil 2017

Tatiana Cocerva and a number of the other Remediate ESRs went to ACS2017 this summer. Enjoy her great summary of the events they all enjoyed!

Working hard setting up experiments, getting the expected results, and publishing your work in great journals are all key goals for a researcher; communicating your research at a conference is also a professionally valuable experience.
This year, REMEDIATE participants had the opportunity to attend the AquaConSoil Conference that took place in Lyon, France on the 26th-30th June 2017. This event brought together students, scientists, industry professionals, and policy makers from all over the world. Presentations covered the areas of sustainable use and management of soil, sediment, and water resources.


Sabrina, Tatiana, Stacie, Panagiotis, Yi, Morteza, Diogo, and Neha (REMEDIATE Early Stage Researchers) presented their research to a wide audience in a special session “Improved decision making for contaminated land site investigation and risk assessment”, chaired by Professor Frederic Coulon (supervisor at Cranfield University). It was a very interesting session, after which we received valuable feedback and appreciation of our work. Ricardo, Coren, and Peter chose to disseminate their work in a poster session, where they actively engaged with other conference attendees, and exchanged ideas with many of them.


 Being a researcher should be challenging and fun
Social events and informal meetings are the best way to create new collaborations and build new friendships. What can be more rewarding than having dinner with your colleagues after a full day of listening to interesting presentations and meeting nice people? The REMEDIATE team added researchers and new friends from Italy, Germany, Netherlands, and Chile to its network.

dinner 1

The conference dinner was organised in a friendly atmosphere where REMEDIATE supervisors and researchers socialised with different conference attendees in a relaxed, informal environment. Tatiana engaged in interesting discussions with the team from BRGM (French geological survey), and found that they shared a similar network and friends in France. What a happy coincidence! After dinner, a DJ boosted everyone’s energy and we all remembered that professional people can combine research and fun.

Tatiana Cocerva with a part of the BRGM team; Photo by BRGM

We are very grateful to all the organisers for this amazing, memorable conference. This was a great experience for all of us and we were inspired, challenged, and more motivated in our work. We look forward to attending the next conference with the same positive mood!



Meet the Researchers – Sabrina Cipullo

Remediate Early Stage Researchers are an exciting and varied group! Meet Sabrina Cipullo, the first Secretary of the Remediate Student Council (November ’15 to May ’16):

Sabrina Cipullo200Remediate meeting November 2015 056

I am originally from Italy & Switzerland and studied for a BSc, and MSc degrees in Environmental and green Biotechnology (IT). I am a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher in Environmental Science at Cranfield University. Within the REMEDIATE project my research is focused on environmental chemistry and toxicological approaches to site assessments. I will contribute to the assessment of risk pertaining to complex chemical mixtures, by enhancing our understanding of their environmental fate, transport, bioavailability, bioaccessibility and toxicity of contaminants.

Cranfield University is my host institution. This is a unique place as UK’s only science and technology-led, postgraduate-only university. Cranfield has around 4,000 students from 106 different countries across the world, so you get a great diversity of cultures and people. Exceptional facilities, equipment and software here at Cranfield, including a fully functional airport – the only university with its own airport! The location of the campus itself is a bit isolated in the countryside, but in addition to the various courses offered here at Cranfield, there are also a lot of societies and extra-curricular activities that students can join.  I am a firm believer this can provide a well-balanced work-play life.

Besides science I enjoy very much cooking, powerlifting, swimming, aerial sports and travelling. On my spare time I am a volunteer Italian teacher and a Journalist – Blogger for  I am very passionate about design, architecture, photography, painting, handmade cosmetics, learning new languages and much more. I have been for 5 years a volunteer in the Italian Red Cross and recently applied for the role of First Aider with St John Ambulance, UK. Most importantly I am passionate about renewable energy and environment.