Theme: Assessment and Feedback

Digital Learning Teams from across the institution coordinate the monthly ‘Online Teaching Show & Tell’ sessions, where staff are invited to share their own experiences of online and blended teaching. The first session of the series kicked off at lunchtime on Thursday 19th November 2020, focused on the theme of ‘Assessment and Feedback’.  

  • Dr. Mike Crone, Lecturer (Education) in International Business in Queen’s Management School, shared insights from his recent experience of using assessed Canvas Discussions to engage students on a large undergraduate module, which is being delivered entirely online during the current crisis. 
  • Dr. Fiona Clark, Senior Lecturer in Latin American Studies in AEL, talked about ways she has used Padlet, Jamboard, Class Notebook and Canvas Quizzes to integrate feedback each week on formative work. 

If you were unable to attend this virtual session, simply click on the links below to access recordings which you can catch up in your own time.

What’s happening next month?

Next months ‘Show & Tell’ session is focused on the theme of  ‘Building Online Communities’ and will be delivered on Thursday 3rd December 1-2pm: Click here to register.