These are the latest Canvas system updates that will become available on 5th January 2019. Please click on an update to expand and view the information.  If you have any questions please submit a support ticket via the help menu in Canvas.

Update 1: Course Settings - Course Link Validator Design Enhancements. This update is available for the following Canvas roles: Teacher, TA and Course Designer.


The Course Link Validator page includes design enhancements for link clarity, including identifying broken Course Card images.

Change Benefit
This change allows instructors and course designers to better understand the context of each broken link and how to resolve the link. Additionally, Course Card images that may be removed by Flickr can be identified and resolved.

Affected User Roles & Behaviours

When instructors validate course content by clicking the Validate Links in Content button in Course Settings, the page content includes several design enhancements.

Course Link Validator enhancements

The page description content has been updated to clarify the validator searches course content for invalid or unreachable links and images. Invalid means the link or image is no longer valid and the content should be removed or replaced. Unreachable means the link or image could not be displayed because of a situation with the host server, which may be temporarily unavailable. Unpublished content in the course is also displayed in the validation results If the Show Links to Unpublished Content checkbox is selected.

Once the link validation process has completed, the page displays the following design enhancements:

• Content is grouped by object type (e.g. assignment, discussion, page)
• The object type is displayed below the link to each content item
• Each broken content item displays its relevant object type icon
• Broken external URL items in Modules are grouped by module
• Broken content within an object is identified as either a link or an image,   with the appropriate icon displaying next to the broken content
• Broken content displays the name of the item as it displays in the Rich Content Editor
• Course Cards are a supported object type, which displays any course images added from Flickr that have been deleted

Other relates guides for instructors
• How do I validate links in a course?


Update 2: Course Settings - Course details and functionality clarifications. This update is available for the following Canvas roles: Teacher, TA, Course Designer and External Examiner.


The Course Details page has been updated to clarify term and course dates as well as the options to restrict students from viewing the course. No functionality has been affected.

Change Benefit
This change helps instructors understand how individual course dates affect course access for students when used with term dates. Additionally, the options to restrict students from viewing the course before or after the start date are located after the course dates and add additional clarification.

Affected User Roles & Behaviours

When viewing the Course Details page, instructors can view options to add or modify course start and end dates in a course. New and existing text clarifies functionality for all course date settings. Clarification also applies to section dates in the Sections tab.

Course Details options placement changes

The course date explanation text has been updated to suggest instructors verify the term dates before modifying course dates. (Please note that module term dates are inherited from Qsis and cannot be amended by instructors).

The checkbox to limit participation in the course includes clarification for how the checkbox affects the dates in the course.

The checkboxes to restrict students from viewing the course also includes clarification about whether the course or term dates are considered to be the course start and end date, depending on the course date settings.

Other relates guides for instructors
• How do I set details for a course?
• How do I use course settings?