Mobius integrated into Canvas
Mobius is a learning platform developed by DigitalEd that can be used for creating and deploying online STEM courses. This

Video content – don’t Lose it, Re-use it!
Many of you will have created video content during the move to online teaching as a result of the Covid

Exam/Class Test Assessment Guidance
The guidance below is based on the checklist for assignment set up that is accessible here: Assignment Checklist. 1. Steps

Canvas Quizzes: Feel the fear and do it anyway!
2 MDBS staff speak to their experience of using Canvas Quizzes (Submitted by Sean Roe and Samantha J Taylor, School

Video Feedback on Canvas
What is it? Providing timely and useful feedback to students on their work is important for so many reasons. We

Lifting the Mask of Anonymous Grading
Canvas provides you with the option to enable anonymisation when setting up an assignment. The two main settings when it

Accessible content design for learner variability: Visuals
Creating and Using Visuals Accessible visual design is better visual design for all users. When designing visuals or creating content

Getting Started with Canvas New Analytics
This blog post briefly introduces the Canvas New Analytics feature and provides links to additional support materials. What is New

Canvas For Teaching Assistants
This blog post outlines the main areas of Canvas that a Teaching Assistant at Queens University should be comfortable with

Issues with Student Access to MS Stream Videos
MS Stream Potential Issues There are 2 potential issues to highlight in this post Due to some restrictions on Apple