Essential Guide for Staff: Preparing for AY24/25 with Canvas
Welcome to the start of the 2024/25 academic year! This guide is designed to help academic staff at Queen’s smoothly

Anonymous Marking
The QUB Handbook of Assessment Guidance and Support 2021-22 requires Anonymous Marking for assessment, where possible. The way in which

Understanding What Really Matters to Students
In February 2022, a Task & Finish Group of key stakeholders was established to address the issue of inconsistent layout

Introducing Canvas in AY24/25
A number of resources are available in time for September 2024 to support teaching staff when introducing Canvas to new

A-Z of Canvas Course Features
A Announcements – Course level Announcements allow instructors to communicate with students about course activities and post interesting course-related topics. They

Alternative Resit Assessments in Canvas
When preparing for Alternative Resit Assessment in Canvas, the guidance remains the same as advised during the alternative assessment period

Canvas for Communication
Canvas includes a number of tools for instructors to use to communicate and interact with students through their module. Tools

Module Development in Canvas
Canvas makes it easy to create and share engaging learning content and activities. When you log in to Canvas for

Canvas Building Blocks
The Canvas Building Block Series was introduced in May with a number of one-hour, highly focused training sessions focused on