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Transitioning to the Canvas Plagiarism Framework: Essential Steps for Academic Staff

Queen’s University Belfast is moving towards a more seamless and feature-rich plagiarism detection experience in Canvas. In March 2024, we enabled the Canvas Plagiarism Framework (CPF), which will soon replace the legacy Turnitin LTI integration.

The Canvas Plagiarism Framework offers several advantages over the legacy Turnitin LTI: 

  • Seamless Integration: CPF is directly integrated into Canvas, providing a more user-friendly experience. 
  • Enhanced Features: CPF offers additional features and functionalities not available in the legacy Turnitin LTI. 
  • Continued Support: CPF is actively supported and updated, ensuring ongoing compatibility and improvements. 

You can read more about the benefits in our initial blog post: Turnitin in Canvas is changing.

The existing Turnitin integration will be deactivated ahead of the start of the academic year 2024/25 so this will be complete mid to end of September. We will be monitoring usage very closely and determining a specific date closer to the time to ensure minimal disruption. 

For any submission dates in September 2024, we would expect Schools to be using the new Canvas Plagiarism Framework, especially as the new integration will provide an improved experience for both staff and students. 

The Canvas course rollover process, as outlined in the infographic below, provides an ideal opportunity to make the switch ahead of the new semester and the 10 Steps to Transition to CPF walks you through the necessary steps to do so. 

Modern Steps Project Management Process Infographic Graph

10 Steps to Transition to the Canvas Plagiarism Framework

Add New or Copy Assignment

Either create a new assignment or copy an existing assignment/course content. 

Edit Assignment Details

Add or update the assignment title, description, instructions, points possible, etc.

Choose Submission Type

Select "Online" from the "Submission Type" dropdown menu.

Choose File Upload or Text Entry

Select either "File Uploads" or "Text Entry" as these are the formats that CPF is available for.

Enable Plagiarism Review Tool

Select "Turnitin-CPF" from the "Plagiarism Review" dropdown menu.

Configure Turnitin Settings

Configure Turnitin settings as required e.g., originality report storage, repository comparisons, exclusion settings. 

Assign Students and Set Dates

Select relevant students to assign assignment to and set the availability and due dates. 

Save and Publish

Select "Save & Publish." The assignment will respect the availability dates and will only be visible to students on the dates set and when the Course is published.

Preview in Student View

Use "Student View" to preview the assignment and verify details like submission options and due dates.

Repeat as necessary

Repeat this process until all assignments that require a Similarity Report for submissions have CPF enabled.

Additional Tips

For a smooth transition to the Canvas Plagiarism Framework and to take advantage of its enhanced features and seamless integration with Canvas we advise that you also follow these steps:

  • Start Early: Begin transitioning your assignments to CPF as soon as possible to avoid any last-minute issues.
  • Test Thoroughly: Use the “Student View” to test the assignment submission process from a student’s perspective.
  • Stay informed about Turnitin: Check out the wealth of CPF resources and training on the DigiHub. 
  • Seek Help if Needed: If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, please use the Help menu in Canvas to reach out or alternatively email

Guidance on using the Canvas Plagiarism Framework