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Updates to Discussions and Announcements in Canvas

Queen’s University has implemented significant updates to the Canvas Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to enhance the functionality and user experience of discussions and announcements. Here’s a detailed look at the exciting new features and improvements.

Interface Modifications

The interface for individual discussion and announcement topics has been revamped to provide a more spacious and responsive experience. Key modifications include:

  • Toolbar Relocation: The toolbar has been moved to the top of the discussion and announcement thread for easier access.
  • Reply Order: Newest replies now appear at the top of the first page instead of the bottom of the last page, making it easier to stay updated.
  • Sorting Options: Users can sort replies from newest to oldest, or oldest to newest, based on their preference.
  • Quick Navigation: Users can quickly move to the top of the discussion or announcement at any time, enhancing navigation efficiency.
Canvas VLE Discussions Interface (Old interface) Old Discussion Thread
New Discussion Thread

View of current and new discussion/announcement interfaces. (Drag handle to compare)

Role Labels

To help students quickly identify instructors and teaching assistants, discussion and announcement threads now display labels for users with TA and Teacher (Instructor) roles. Additionally, threads indicate the author of the discussion or announcement, providing clarity on the source of the content.

Discussion thread showing academic roles

Author and Teacher Labels

Flexible Viewing Options

For replies that include additional replies, the interface now shows the number of replies and unread replies specific to the user. Users can choose to view these replies inline or in a split view, offering flexibility in how they engage with the content.

Canvas VLE Discussions Interface showing the Inline view

Inline View

Canvas VLE Discussions Interface showing the split view

Split View


A new mention feature has been introduced, allowing users to mention others in discussion replies by using the @ symbol. This feature brings up a drop-down menu of all available users in the course, facilitating direct and clear communication. To use this feature, the “Conversations – send messages to individual course members” permission must be enabled. Users with the “Discussions – New Mention” notification enabled will receive notifications when mentioned.

Canvas VLE Discussions Interface showing the 'Mentions' feature

Mentions in Discussions


Users can now quote other replies in their discussion responses. This feature makes it easier to reference specific comments and engage in more meaningful discussions.

Quotes in discussion replies

Anonymous Discussions

Anonymity options have been expanded, allowing for anonymous discussions in courses. Here are the key points:

  • Creating Anonymous Discussions: Teachers can create anonymous discussions when setting up a new discussion. By default, this option is turned off.
  • Anonymous Student Discussions: If enabled in the Discussion Settings menu, students can also create anonymous discussions, though this option is not selected by default.
  • Visibility and Labels: The Discussions page clearly indicates when a discussion is anonymous. Student names and profile pictures are hidden from other course members, including teachers. Admins not enrolled as teachers, TAs, or designers, and who create a reply, will also display as anonymous.
  • Observers: Observers viewing a fully anonymous discussion will see a message indicating that it is anonymous, with student names and profile pictures hidden. For partially anonymous discussions, the message will indicate that students have the option to reply anonymously.
Canvas VLE Discussions Interface showing the 'Anonymous' feature

Anonymous Discussion Thread

These updates are designed to improve the overall user experience on Queen’s University’s Canvas VLE, making discussions and announcements more interactive, navigable, and inclusive. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance our learning environment!