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Turnitin in Canvas is changing

The Canvas Plagiarism Framework (CPF) is going to be replacing the current Turnitin integration in Canvas (Turnitin 1.1). CPF provides a new method for Turnitin assignment set-up and submission as well as a simplified workflow for both staff and students. It will also address many of the known limitations with the current Turnitin integration in Canvas.

Key Dates

CPF will be available in Canvas from 19th March and from this date it can be used instead of the existing Turnitin integration which will be deactivated ahead of the start of the academic year 2024/25.

There will be a transition period where staff and students may be using both integrations. Some Schools may be planning to adopt a School-wide approach for this transition period, therefore if you wish to use the new integration now we recommend that you confirm with your School.

Benefits of Canvas Plagiarism Framework

As well as a simplified assignment set-up and submission workflow, the CPF will also bring further benefits including additional Canvas Assignment functionality for assignments that require Similarity Reports:

  • Group Assignments
  • Peer Review
  • Canvas Rubrics
  • Late Resubmissions
  • Canvas Student App Submissions
  • Differentiated Due Dates
  • Restricted Submission Formats
  • Multiple File Submissions and Similarity Reports
  • Similarity Reports retained for all submissions
  • Canvas Student view

Turnitin 1.1 vs. Canvas Plagiarism Framework

Turnitin has different integrations with Canvas. The CPF integration will be available from 19th March and is designed to work within the Canvas Assignment workflow, while Turnitin 1.1 (the current integration) is an older standard with limitations. Below is a chart to compare the integrations and their functions.

FeatureTurnitin 1.1 (old standard)Canvas Plagiarism Framework (available from 19th March 2024)
Similarity Check (Similarity Reports)Yes

Available to launch from the Turnitin inbox and Canvas SpeedGrader and indicated in the Canvas Gradebook.

Available to launch from Canvas SpeedGrader and indicated in the Canvas Gradebook.
Turnitin's online feedback toolsYesNo
Turnitin rubrics and grading formsYes

Either Turnitin rubrics and grading forms or Canvas rubrics can be used with Turnitin 1.1 assignments.
ETS e-rater grammar checkingYesYes
PeerMark peer review available for the assignmentYesNo
Turnitin's assignment analyticsYesNo
Simplified assignment set-upNo

The external tool must be added as a part of the Canvas assignment set-up process.

This integration works within the Canvas assignment workflow itself but does not deliver full Turnitin functionality.
Student roster synchronisationNoN/A
Collusion checkYes

On the due date of the assignment, an additional check is run and an updated score is available in Feedback Studio (accessible from the Turnitin 1.1 assignment inbox within Canvas), but will not be updated in Canvas SpeedGrader or the Canvas Gradebook.

On the due date of the assignment, an additional check is run and an updated score is available in Feedback Studio, and will be updated in Canvas SpeedGrader and the Canvas Gradebook.
Template exclusionYesNo
Self-serve paper deletion requestsYes

Requests can be made by the instructor directly from the Turnitin 1.1 assignment inbox. The account administrator can immediately approve or reject a request from

Instructors will need to contact their Turnitin account administrator, who will in turn be able to contact Turnitin's support team to manually process the deletion requests as needed.
Instructor submitting or resubmitting on behalf of a studentYes

Canvas SpeedGrader and/or Turnitin-based feedback/grading may be used for Turnitin 1.1 assignments.
Group assignmentsNoYes

Each member of the group will be able to see the Similarity report.
Canvas RubricsYes

However, in this workflow, students cannot view the Canvas rubric before submitting.
Submitting multiple files at the same time to a single assignmentNo

Only one file is supported. If multiple files are submitted, they will be overwritten and considered to be the 'latest' submission. Only one Similarity Report at a time is generated for the assignment per student.

Each submission has its own Similarity Report. All previous submissions will be retained and can be viewed through Canvas SpeedGrader.
Translated MatchingYesYes

Guidance on using the Canvas Plagiarism Framework