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Canvas Course Term Dates

At the end of each Academic Year, courses in Canvas will become read-only. The below table outlines the dates courses are placed in a read-only state by default:

Academic YearStart DateEnd Date
AY 2022/2023 (QSIS ref: 2221)1 Sep 202230 Sep 2023
AY 2023/2024 (QSIS ref: 2231)1 Sep 202330 Sep 2024
2022 Nursing Intake (QSIS ref: 2225)1 Feb 20232 Mar 2024
2023 Nursing Intake (QSIS ref: 2235)1 Feb 20242 Mar 2025

Read-only means that a course is not available for submitting assignments, posting discussions, uploading files, grading, or any other action-based task within a course.

Before the Term End Date is Reached

Before the term end date above is reached, staff with the relevant access can choose to override these dates and keep courses open for longer if they are required to complete the below actions after the dates listed above:

  • Mark/grade assignments or make amendments to these*
  • Add/amend course activities and settings
  • Display the module in the current enrolments area in the dashboard
  • Allow students to continue to participate in the course

Please see How to change the start and end dates in a course for further information.

*Overriding the term end date for the purposes of marking/grading/editing assignments must be in line with guidance set out by the examinations office. Your school ELO/ELC should be able to provide you with this guidance if you have not received it.

Once the Term End Date has Passed

Once the term end date has passed and the module has been placed in a read-only state, staff will lose the ability to extend the course end dates of the module. The Digital Learning Solution System Support team will need to be notified of the request and the reasons for the extension request. You can raise a request by emailing (please email from your Queen’s staff email) or by raising a case using the ‘Help’ menu in the Canvas Navigation menu.

Note: Content imported into Canvas commons from live academic modules will no longer be editable once the module has been concluded. We recommend using the Module Development Area to import content to Commons and then build and amend the module content.

Staff are advisedStaff are advised not to select the ‘End this Course’ option in Canvas as this will remove all enrolments within the course and cannot be reversed.

If you have accidentally selected this option, please contact Canvas Tier 1 support immediately, using the help menu on the navigation bar in Canvas.