The AFBI Repository – 2020-21 in numbers

Belaouni, H.A. Mokhnache, S., Dif, G., Belaouni, H.A., Bouacha, M., Meklat, A., Zitouni, A.,Toumatia, O. 2025. Isolation and Characterization of a New Streptomyces Strain d15 with Antimicrobial Activity from an Algerian Steppe Soil. Molecular Genetics, Read more…
Adenuga, A.H., Aubry, A. Crawford, P., Verner, S., Strain, S., Adenuga, A.H., Aubry, A., Burgess, S. 2024. A study of sheep scab in Northern Ireland including detection and identifying barriers to control, Veterinary Record Open, Read more…
For information, we are currently navigating an unexpected access issue to Clarivate tool InCites, a Research Benchmarking Tool which guides strategic direction and facilitates the evaluation of research performance at institutional and individual levels via the Read more…