Issue Seven

A Critical Examination of the Key Legal Issues Raised by the Case of Henrietta Lacks and Johns Hopkins Hospital 

[1] Bell Hooks, Resurrecting Henrietta Lacks (Routledge 2012) 89.

[2] T.W. Price, ‘Legal Rights and Duties in Regard to Dead Bodies’ (1951) 68 SALJ 403-420.

[3] Laura Beskow, ‘Lessons from HeLa Cells: The Ethics and Policy of Biospecimens’ (2016) AGR 395, 396.

[4] John Locke, Two Treatises on Government (First published 1690, CUP 1988).

[5] R v Bentham [2005] UKHL 18.

[6] Immanuel Kant, Lectures on Ethics (translated by Peter Heath, CUP 1997).

[7] National Organ Transplantation Act of 1984 §301(America).

[8] Scott Douglas, ‘The Argument for Property Rights in Body Parts’ (2014)56 JME 23, 25.

[9] (1908) HCA 45.

[10] Price (n 2) 415.

[11] (1990) 51 Cal. 3d 120.

[12] ibid.

[13] Deleso Alford, ‘Unjust Enrichment in the Human Body’ (2012) Annals of Health Law 223, 229.

[14] Graeme Laurie, Genetic Privacy: A Challenge to Medico-Legal Norms (CUP 2002) 86.

[15] Rebekah Skloot, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Crown Publishing 2010) 45.

[16] Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act of 2008, §201.

[17] Imogen Goold and others, Persons, Parts and Property: How should we regulate human tissue in the 21st century? (Bloomsbury Publishing 2014) 574.

[18] Case C‑34/10 Oliver Brüstle v Greenpeace eV [2011] ECR-I 669.

[19] [2009] EWCA Civ 37.

[20] Mark Pawlowski, Property in Body Parts and Products of the Human Body (2009) 30 LLR 35, 41.

[21] By analogy to Evans v Amicus Healthcare Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 727.

[22] Re Cresswell [2018] QSC 142.

[23] Pawlowski (n 20) 46.

[24] A. M. Honoré, The Nature of Property and the Value of Justice (OUP 1961) 371.

[25] Department of Health and Social Care, ‘Over half a million people taking part in pioneering Covid-19 research’ (Press Release) (5 December 2020).

[26] (2006) 8 NY 43.

[27] Shawn Harmon and Graeme T. Laurie, ‘Yearworth v North Bristol NHS Trust: Property, Principles and Paradigms’(2010) 69 CLJ 476, 484.

[28] Global Biobanking Market (Grand View Research 2021).

[29] Carlo Petrini, ‘Legal Considerations regarding the Commercial Use of Human Biological Materials’ (2012) JBM 87, 92.

[30] Skloot (n 15) 56.

[31] Hooks (n 1) 63.

[32] Cameron Stewart et al, Public Umbilical Cord Banking and Charitable Trusts (Hart Publishing 2014) 1.

[33] Ibid 15.

[34] Hooks (n 1) 95.

[35] Simon Douglas, Property Rights in Human Biomaterials (Bloomsbury 2014) 156.

[36] Royal Liverpool Children’s Inquiry (2001) [2.1].

[37] Ibid [6.2].

[38] L.H. v Latvia App No.52019/07 (ECtHR, 29 April 2014).

[39] Nils Hoppe, ‘Bioequity – Property and the Human Body’ (2010) 6 IJLC 397-399.

[40] Graham Virgo, Principles of Equity & Trusts (3rd edn, OUP 2018) 45.

[41] Skloot (n 15) 78.

[42] Rebecca Timmins, ‘Radical Actions to Address UK Organ Shortage’ (2015) 26 Nurs Ethics 1936-1945.

[43] M.D Bell, Surrendering a Fundamental Principle for Transplantation Needs? (Hart Publishing 2006) 57.

[44] Alford (n 13) 232.

[45] Mohammed Razai, ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Ethnic MinorityGroups’ (2021) 372 British Medical Journal 513-529.

[46] Dianne Nicol, ‘Key Issues in the Commercialisation of Biobanks’(2014) 4 Journal of Law and Biosciences 94-136.

[47] Douglas (n 8) 26.

[48] Chester v Afshar [2005] UKHL 41[16].

[49] L.L Wall, ‘The Medical Ethics of Dr J. Marion Sims’ (2006) 32(6) Journal of Medical Ethics 346, 347.

[50] Schloendorff v Society of New York Hospital (1914) 211 NY 125.

[51] Hooks (n 1) 125.

[52] Skloot (n 15) 154.

[53] The Common Rule 2018, §46.101 (TCR).

[54] James Flory and Ezekiel Emanuel, Interventions to Improve Research Participants’ Understanding of Informed Consent (2004) 3 JAMA 1593-601.

[55] Justine Pila, Property in human genetic material: An old legal question for a new technological age (OUP 2019) 33.

[56] HTA s 13 and sch 1.

[57] HTA ss 3(5)-5(1).

[58] HTA, s 53.

[59] Barbo Björkman and Sven Hansson, ‘Bodily Rights and Property’(2006) 32 JME 209, 211.

[60] Beskow (n 3) 400. [1] Mount Isa Mines Ltd v Pusey [1970] HCA 60 [43].

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