Canvas VLE
Canvas is the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) at Queen’s which is used to support teaching and learning across the University. As a digital learner, Canvas is largely at the centre of all of your learning. Face-to-face teaching is complemented by online delivery where appropriate. Student-teacher interaction is a key part of our learning model. Queen’s offers an authentic university experience through Connected Learning, which means that you will receive a blend of face-to-face teaching and virtual learning. Where it is not possible or optimal to deliver face-to-face teaching, Canvas will provide a full, interactive learning platform. Watch the Canvas for Students Intro video [05:56] on the right. Link to a transcript of video.
Please note that once you graduate, as an alumnus/alumna, you will only retain email access. Office365 access (including OneDrive), Canvas, and QOL access will be terminated, as will other IT services as deemed appropriate. More information can be found here.
Support and Guidance
"How do I..."?
If you Need Help with using Canvas, Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year via the ‘Help’ button located on the left-hand menu in Canvas. A number of contact methods are available to you from there.
Online Training
The Canvas Student Orientation course provides key information to help you get started with Canvas. Familiarise yourself with Key Topics in the online course before you begin to use Canvas. Information on the Student App is also available.
The Canvas Community
The Canvas Community website (also accessible via the HELP menu in Canvas) offers a wide range of comprehensive online student guides and resources! Search the Student Canvas Guides to find answers to common questions.