Competing Imperialisms in Northeast Asia, 1894-1953

CIRN 2 Programme

Competing Imperialisms in Northeast Asia: Contested Histories and Histories of Contestation
Second Conference, Competing Imperialisms Research Network (CIRN 2)
6-7 September 2019
Queen’s University Belfast

CIRN2 Programme – Queen’s University Belfast – 5th-7th September 2019 

Professor Chih Public Lecture Flyer – 5pm Thursday 5th September 2019

CIRN2- Queen’s University Belfast –  Progamme Flyer

Papers to be presented (partial list only)

Mikwi CHO (University of Cambridge): ‘Koreans across the sea: migration of Korean students to the metropole

Dr Aglaia DE ANGELI (Queen’s University Belfast): ‘Territoriality and taxation in Manchuria competing imperialisms within China’s borders

Dr Darragh GANNON (Queens’ University Belfast): ‘East meets West: connecting revolution in Korea and Ireland, 1919-1923

Dr Ayako HOTTA-LISTER (LSE STICERD): ‘Allies of a kind – Britain and Japan in co-operation and competition 1894-1923′

Prof. KOBAYASHI Akina (Tama University): ‘ From Japanese militarism to the Soviet communism – “the psychological disorder” of Japanese prisoners of war and the Soviet propaganda’ 

Prof. KOBAYASHI Somei (Nihon University): ‘Public diplomacy of Japanese empire and Imperial/Colonial Fraternity’

Prof. Nikita E. KOVRIGIN (St Petersburg State University): ‘Shaping the Chinese community in Japan and Russia

Dr Rachel LIN Yuexin (Exeter University): ‘“We are on the brink of disaster”: Revolution, war and imperial conflict in Blagoveshchensk-Heihe

Dr Sherzod MUMINOV (University of East Anglia): The Myth of Soviet Superiority: Explaining Japanese Strategists’ Preoccupation with Soviet Power in East Asia, 1925-1945

Prof. NAGAYO Susumu (Waseda University): ‘What really happened at Hailar Station, Manchuria, on April 11, 1920?

Prof. Peter O’CONNOR (Musashino University): ‘Flotsam, jetsam and Uncle Sam: Irish publicists in the contest for a just Imperialism in Northeast Asia, 1900s-1940s

Dr Emma REISZ (Queen’s University Belfast): ‘Early photographic visualities of conflict in Northeast Asia

Prof. Peter ROBINSON (Japan Women’s University): ‘Reading between the lines: Elizabeth Keith’s and Ulric van den Bogaerde’s illustrations

Prof. SAITŌ Eiri (Musashino University): ‘Between empire and imperialism: The role of the internal colony in Britain and Japan

Prof. Nikolay SAMOYLOV (St Petersburg State University): ‘Images of Competing Imperialisms: Russia and Japan in China at the turn of the 20th Century’

Prof. SHIH Chih-yu (National University Taiwan): ‘Strategic De-essentialism as Decolonization: The Imperialist Discourse of East Asia in Taiwan’

Prof. Yaroslav SHULATOV (Kobe University): ‘The Rise and Fall of a ‘Great Power’: Japan’s Relations with Imperial and Soviet Russia (1895-1945)’

Prof. Christopher SZPILMAN (Teikyo University): ‘Social Darwinism as a factor in Japan’s continental expansion

TANIGAWA Shun (Waseda University): ‘The beginnings of the Japanese colonial media system, 1898-1912

Dr Alexander TITOV (Queen’s University Belfast): ‘Russia between imperial and national in North East Asia in the late 19th and 20th centuries

Prof. TSUCHIYA Reiko (Waseda University): ‘Media between Imperialism and Nationalism in Northeast Asia’