Competing Imperialisms in Northeast Asia, 1894-1953

Conference Programme

Competing Imperialisms in Northeast Asia: Concepts and Approaches
19-20 April 2019, Waseda University

Institute of 20th Century Media,
School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University


Friday 19 April

9am: Welcome

9.45-11.15am: Panel 1. Imperialism and anti-imperialism
Prof. Christopher SZPILMAN
 (Teikyo): ‘Social Darwinism as a factor in Japan’s continental expansion
Dr Alexander TITOV (Queen’s): ‘Empire or homeland? The ambiguity between the imperial and the national in Russia’s engagement in North East Asia
Dr Darragh GANNON (Queen’s): ‘East meets West: connecting revolution in Korea and Ireland, 1919-1923

11.30am-1pm: Panel 2. The Great Powers in the Northeast Asian borderlands
Dr Rachel LIN
(Exeter): ‘Poison money: the Chinese Rublezone in war and revolution’ / 「有毒貨幣:戦争と革命の中の中国ルーブル・ゾーン
Prof. NAGAYO Susumu
(Waseda): 「1920年4月11日にハイラル駅でなにが起こったか 」/ ‘The Hailar Station Incident of 11 April 1920’
Prof. NAKAYAMA Taisho
(Kyoto): ‘Border shifting and people in Russo-Japanese borderlands: Sakhalin/Karafuto and Kuril/Chishima’ / 「日露/ソ境界地域における境界変動と住民:サハリン/樺太とクリル/千島中


2.30-4pm: Panel 3. The press and the state
Prof. Chin-sok CHONG (Hankuk): ‘Imperial payday: the Korean problem in Anglo-Japanese relations, 1904-1910’ / 「帝国な給料日: 日英関係における朝鮮問題, 1904-1910
TANIGAWA Shun (Waseda): 「諸帝国の中における近代日本の植民地言論の誕生,1898-1912」/ ‘The beginnings of the Japanese colonial media system, 1898-1912
Prof. Peter O’CONNOR (Waseda/Musashino): ‘Credibility and national integrity: selling late imperialism at home and in Northeast Asia, 1921-1945’ / 「信頼性と国家統合―19211945年、国内と北東アジアにおいて後発帝国主義を売り込む

4.15-5.30pm: Panel 4. Images of empire
Dr Emma REISZ (Queen’s University Belfast): ‘Early photographic visualities of Northeast Asia’
Prof. Peter ROBINSON (Japan Women’s University): ‘Elizabeth Keith and Ulric van den Bogaerde’s illustrations for the Times’s Japanese and Russia Supplements: artistic mediations, 1914-1917’ / 「エリザベス・キースとウルリック・ヴァン・デン・ボガードによる芸術的媒介~『タイムズ』紙・日本語及びロシア語別冊のイラスト(1914-1917)を対象に~

6pm: Keynote lecture
Prof. UMEMORI Naoyuki (Waseda University):‘Between nation state and colonial state: the establishment of the police and prison system in Meiji Japan’


Saturday 20 April

9-10.30am: Panel 5. Ideas and perceptions in Anglo-Japanese relations
Dr Ayako HOTTA-LISTER (LSE STICERD): ‘Allies of a kind: Britain and Japan in Cooperation and Competition, 1902-1923’ / 「虚ろな同盟: 大英帝国と日本の協力と競争、1902-1923」
Prof. SAITŌ Eiri
(Musashino): ‘Comparing imperialisms: Yanaihara Tadao’s colonial studies revisited’ / 「帝国主義を比較する-矢内原忠雄の植民学再訪
Prof. TSUCHIYA Reiko (Waseda): ‘Competing propaganda in Asia by the UK and Japan: media between nationalism and imperialism, 1926-1945

10.45am-12.10pm: Panel 6. Global geostrategies in Northeast Asia
Prof. Yaroslav SHULATOV (Kobe): ‘The rise and fall of a ‘Great Power’: Japan and Russia in 1895-1945
Dr Sherzod MUMINOV (University of East Anglia): ‘The myth of Soviet superiority: explaining Japanese strategists’ preoccupation with Soviet power in East Asia, 1925-1945
Prof. KOBAYASHI Somei (Nihon): 「朝鮮戦争への日本の参戦, 1950-1953」/ ‘Japanese participation in the Korean War, 1950-1953’


1.45-3.15pm: Panel 7. Northeast Asian migrations and dislocations
Mi Kwi CHO
(University of Cambridge): ‘Koreans across the sea: Migration to Imperial Japan between 1910-1953
Prof. IIJIMA Mariko (Sophia): ‘Collaborating colonies: sugar industry and migrants in Japan’s Pacific’ / 『協働する植民地―糖業と移民から見る日本帝国期の太平洋』
Prof. KOBAYASHI Akina (Tama): ‘From militarism to communism – How Japanese captives changed in the Soviet Union’ – 「軍国主義から共産主義 ― 日本人捕虜はソ連でどのように変わったか

3.30-4.15pm: Plenary lecture
(Queen’s University Belfast): ‘Competing Imperialisms Research Network: from an idea to a project

4.15-5pm: CIRN Planning Meeting (CIRN members)
