AFBI Library Update, October 2020 – COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and Library Services

In response to the additional restrictions applied by the NI Executive to limit the spread of Covid-19 (coronavirus) on the 16th of October, the AFBI Library has reverted to providing a fully remote service since Monday 19th October until further notice.
Please note that all AFBI Libraries remain open for AFBI staff to access.
Please note that items on loan will be automatically renewed unless requested or your membership is due to expire. For further information on automatic renewals, please go to:
As a predominately electronic library, AFBI Library members can continue to use and access all library resources and services, with full support provided by library staff working remotely. Further information on the services and support available to AFBI Library Members is listed below.
AFBI Library Chat
A library chat feature has been added to the AFBI Library homepage that enables all Library members to contact the Library. Simply click on the ‘AFBI Library Chat’ tab on the right hand side of our homepage, submit your query, and Library staff will respond. AFBI Library chat is staffed 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday

Using AFBI Library e-resources
As a predominately electronic library, AFBI Library members can access all e-resources from either on-site (at AFBI) or off-site (from home).
When you are accessing e-resources from either on-site or off-site, you will need to use your Library login, this is the username and password provided when you joined the Library, unless you have changed your password. If you are unsure of your AFBI Library username and/or password, please get in touch via
You should use AFBI Library as a starting point and use the following services to search:
- AFBI Library Catalogue for e-books, e-journals and online databases.
- Article Search for full text articles.
- E-Journals A-Z for e-journals.
- Databases A-Z for online databases, such as Web of Science.
- Open Access Resources for freely available Open Access content from journals and repositories.
As AFBI Library collections will remain accessible, you can still borrow books. Simply choose the books you wish to take, then email with the barcodes of the books you wish to borrow. The Library will reply with a list of titles and due dates.
All current AFBI and QUB book loans will be automatically renewed unless requested by another user or if your membership is due to expire.
Print Journals
All AFBI Library print journals are accessible in the Library. You can use the MFD copier to print/copy or scan articles from journals. Use the AFBI Library Catalogue to search for and locate print journals held in the Library.
Unfortunately, there will be delays in receiving and processing current print titles, however the links below will give you access to some of the content from our current print journals:
New Scientist
Farmers Weekly
Farm Week
Irish Farmers Journal
Interlibrary Loans
The AFBI Library will continue to process interlibrary loan requests for items which can be electronically delivered such as book chapters, articles, conference papers and reports. All interlibrary loan requests must be submitted via the Place Request link.
Please note that library staff will no longer be able to print and post article requests from the British Library. To receive them electronically to your desktop, it is necessary to register with the British Library. Follow this link for instructions on how to do this:
Unfortunately, entire items cannot be requested and subsequently borrowed at this time.
Please note there may be delays in supplying interlibrary loans due to lending libraries working with fewer staff and/or reduced hours or closures. AFBI Library staff will keep you informed with the progress of any interlibrary loan requests.
Research Support
AFBI Library staff will continue to provide research support via the following channels:
The Literature Search Request Form – please use this form if you would like a Specialist Librarian to run a literature search on your behalf. Results can be emailed as a word document or EndNote Library.
Ask Us – please use this link for contact details of your Specialist Librarians and to use the live chat app to submit enquiries.
EndNote Support will continue – please get in touch via if you have any EndNote queries. Specialist Librarians have full access to EndNote software and related support and can provide solutions to any issues you have.
Bibliometric enquiries (e.g. h-indices, publications, journal quartiles) can be submitted to .
Membership applications
If you are not already a Library member and would like to join, please complete an online application form available here. The Library will process your application and forward your username and password via email. Your login details will provide you with access to the Library’s online resources, as detailed above. Your library card will be processed as soon as possible once library staff return to working on-site at the Library.
Thank you for your patience during this time. Please contact the AFBI Library via if you have any questions.
The AFBI Library will continue to provide updates on the Library service via email and twitter (@AFBILibrary).