Research Benchmarking with InCites

Incites is an online research benchmarking tool from Clarivate which enables use of Web of Science data to provide information on institutional research performance, including institutional productivity, collaborative activity, key areas of research, influential researchers, and discovering areas of opportunity.
Why use InCites?
- Compare and benchmark research metrics, such as number of publications and impact against other institutions.
- Identify and manage research activities and their impact
- Promote internal and external partnerships and collaborations
- Identify experts both inside and outside the organization
- Promote areas of strength and specialization
To access InCites:
- Go to:
- Under ‘Institutional Sign In’, choose ‘UK Federation’ > ‘Go to Institution’
- Enter ‘AFBI: Agri-Food Biosciences Institute’, and then click ‘Continue’:
- Then enter your AFBI Library login details:
- Then enter your Web of Science account details, or click the ‘Register’ link on the right if you don’t have a Web of Science account:
- You should then have full access to Incites. You can then choose from ‘Analyze’, ‘Report’ or ‘Organize’
For further information on InCites: or contact us at