Distinguish Yourself With ORCiD
ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a persistent identifier for researchers.
ORCiD aims to solve the name ambiguity problem in research and scholarly communication by creating a central registry of unique identifiers for individual researchers and an open and transparent linking mechanism between ORCiD and other current researcher ID schemes.
It’s free to register and lets you link all your research publications and other output to your identifier, to help maximise the impact of your research.
Since many major publishers and other information producers are integrating ORCiD identifiers into their products and tools, having an ORCiD identifier may help simplify processes like journal article manuscript submission. Some funding organisations, such as Horizon 2020 and the Wellcome Trust are using ORCiD identifiers to manage granting information.
How Do I Create an ORCiD?
It’s easy to register for an ORCID. First, go to http://orcid.org. There are three steps to creating an ORCiD:
1. Register for an ORCiD: registration is easy, free and fast — it takes less than a minute to register
2. Add your information: if you have previously created a ResearcherID in Web of Science or a Scopus ID, you will be able to link to those and import references for your publications. You can also add a variety of professional information including current and previous institutional affiliations.
3. Use your ORCiD: include your ORCiD in your email signature file, on your website, and when available, include in your publication submissions
For further help with setting up your ORCiD profile please contact us at afbilib@qub.ac.uk