Published articles co-authored by AFBI staff – September 2020

Aubry, A.
Reyne, M., Nolan, M., McGuiggan, H., Aubry, A., Emmerson, M., Marnell, F., Reid, N. (2020) Artificial agri-environment scheme ponds do not replicate natural environments despite higher aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate richness and abundance. Journal of Applied Ecology, Article in Press.
Ball, M.E.E., Corcionivoschi, N.
McMurray, R.L., Ball, M.E.E., Tunney, M.M., Corcionivoschi, N., Situ, C. (2020) Antibacterial activity of four plant extracts extracted from traditional chinese medicinal plants against listeria monocytogenes, escherichia coli, and salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica serovar enteritidis. Microorganisms, 8 (6), article no: 962.
Craig, A.L., Muns, R., Gordon, A., Magowan, E.
Craig, A.L., Muns, R., Gordon, A., Magowan, E. (2020) Extended nursing and/or increased starter diet allowances for low weaning weight pigs. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 33 (3), pp. 1301-1309.
Farmer, L.J.
Gkarane, V., Allen, P., Brunton, N.P., Gravador, R.S., Claffey, N.A., Harrison, S.M., Diskin, M.G., Fahey, A.G., Farmer, L.J., Moloney, A.P., Monahan, F.J. (2020) Volatile and sensory analysis to discriminate meat from lambs fed different concentrate-based diets. Animal Production Science, 60 (13), pp. 1654-1667.
Farmer, L.
Liu, J.J., Chriki, S., Ellies-Oury, M.-P., Legrand, I., Pogorzelski, G., Wierzbicki, J., Farmer, L., Troy, D., Polkinghorne, R., Hocquette, J.F. (2020) European conformation and fat scores of bovine carcasses are not good indicators of marbling. Meat Science, 170, article no: 108233.
Hawe, S.J., Gordon, A., Muns, R., Magowan, E.
Hawe, S.J., Scollan, N., Gordon, A., Muns, R., Magowan, E. (2020) Impact of feeding low and average birthweight pigs on a weight basis post-weaning on growth performance and body composition. Livestock Science, 241, article no: 104233.
Kelly, C., Linton, M., Corcionivoschi, N.,
McKenna, A., Ijaz, U.Z., Kelly, C., Linton, M., Sloan, W.T., Green, B.D., Lavery, U., Dorrell, N., Wren, B.W., Richmond, A., Corcionivoschi, N., Gundogdu, O. (2020) Impact of industrial production system parameters on chicken microbiomes: mechanisms to improve performance and reduce Campylobacter. Microbiome, 8 (1), p. 128.
McGeough, K.L.
Harvey, M.J., Sperlich, P., Clough, T.J., Kelliher, F.M., McGeough, K.L., Martin, R.J., Moss, R. (2020) Global Research Alliance N2O chamber methodology guidelines: Recommendations for air sample collection, storage, and analysis. Journal of Environmental Quality, Article in Press.
Moore, H., Service, M.
Fox, M., Christley, R., Lupo, C., Moore, H., Service, M., Campbell, K. (2020) Preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve disease: a Northern Ireland case study. Aquaculture International, Article in Press.
Olave, R.
Pegoretti, H., Muñoz, F., Teixeira, R., Sáez, K., Segura, C., Olave, R. (2020) Energy potential of paulownia and miscanthus clones for energy production in Chile. Madera y Bosques, 26 (1), article no: e2611916.
Shirali, M.
Soltani, N., Nazarian-Firouzabadi, F., Shafeinia, A., Sadr, A.S., Shirali, M. (2020) The expression of Terpenoid Indole Alkaloid (TIAs) pathway genes in Catharanthus roseus in response to salicylic acid treatment. Molecular Biology Reports, Article in Press.
Thompson, C.S., Traynor, I.M., Fodey, T.L., Barnes, P., Faulkner, D.V., Crooks, S.R.H.
Thompson, C.S., Traynor, I.M., Fodey, T.L., Barnes, P., Faulkner, D.V., Crooks, S.R.H. (2020) Screening method for the detection of residues of amphenicol antibiotics in bovine milk by optical biosensor. Food Additives and Contaminants. Part A – Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment, Article in Press.
Yan, T.
Guinguina, A., Yan, T., Lund, P., Bayat, A.R., Hellwing, A.L.F., Huhtanen, P. (2020) Between-cow variation in the components of feed efficiency . Journal of Dairy Science, 103 (9), pp. 7968-7982.
Yan, T.
Guinguina, A., Yan, T., Bayat, A.R., Lund, P., Huhtanen, P. (2020) The effects of energy metabolism variables on feed efficiency in respiration chamber studies with lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 103 (9), pp. 7983-7997.