The new AFBI Library website – You Said, We Did.

Published by Kriss Leslie on

An important part of the AFBI Library’s recent brand launch in January 2020 was the creation of a new look website ( The Library consulted with its users throughout the re-design of the new website to ensure that it contained not only the information they needed, but also that it was easy to find. The result is a site that is much more engaging and easier to navigate than its predecessor.

Consultation with customers was done in a number of ways. Firstly, a focus group was convened back in June 2019 to review the former website. This was a source of excellent customer focussed feedback that shaped the design of the new website, in particular its navigational structure. Once the site was set-up, a customer journey map exercise was then carried out prior to its official launch. This exercise enabled the navigational structure that had been created to be tested in a practical scenario. The feedback received from it resulted in a number of changes to the site being made, including the re-location of the ‘Send Us Your Feedback’ page.

Overall, the feedback we received from our customers has resulted in a site on which Library users can find the information they need easily. However, the AFBI Library will continue to take on board and respond to customer feedback as the site develops. We would love to hear from you if you have any comments or suggestions on the new AFBI Library website (or any other part of the Library service!). Feedback can be submitted via the website using the online ‘Send Us Your Feedback’ form, which can be found under the ‘Contact Us’ tab in the navigation bar.

We hope you enjoy using our new site!


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