Café Europa: “Brexit for Universities and Academics”, 15/12/2016, 2 pm
Café Europa, a new JMCE/TREUP initiative providing a forum for debating research and practice on law & policy in the European Union, was launched on 15 December. The topic of this first edition was “What does ‘Brexit’ mean for higher education and academics?”. Academic and research staff across QUB shared their thoughts and ideas about the consequences of ‘Brexit’ on their work.
Date, time and venue: 15 December, Main Site Tower, Room 0G/009, 2pm-3pm
Prof. Richard English, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Internationalisation and Engagement
Dr. Inmaculada Higueras, Research and Enterprise Directorate
Prof. Dagmar Schiek, Jean Monnet ad personam Chair EU Law & Policy, School of Law