
The Sir Robert Hart collection at Queen’s includes several thousand photographs, mostly of China around 1900, along with portraits of Hart and his friends, acquaintances and colleagues.


About the photograph collection:

Photographs from the collection are on display in the China’s Imperial Eye exhibition.

Selected images are available online:

  • Hart Photographic Collection (selected images only). The Project is currently working on the photographs and more will be available in the future.
  • Queen’s Special Collections Flickr site (selected images).

To request images and publication rights for photographs and other items from the Queen’s collection (on the web, academic, non-academic etc.), please contact Special Collections.

2 thoughts on “Photographs

  1. Congratulations on getting this up. The Chinese edition of my book on Hart and his Carrrall women friends, published in 2012 in association with QUB, is not yet out but soon should be. Your photos, letters and diaries were a treasure trove for it.

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