Being a list of things which make me want to throw a computer out the window
- On my MacBook got thoroughly confused, and was unable to send mail, change SMTP server, or edit the SMTP server list – the popup menu had several blank lines instead. In the end nuking ~/Library/Accounts/ (via another admin account) seemed to restore things, though I had to reconfigure all my accounts.
- On my Mac Pro the SMTP server settings were OK, but various other Mail settings were reset, such as loading remote images, default composing as Rich Text, turning on the Junk Mail filter… And ‘conversation view’ on one of my accounts is broken, but OK on the others.
- Command line printing to the MFD queues seems dead. While it seems merely vexing on older OS X releases (one has to manually authenticate each job) on El Cap it just hangs the print queue app. Since I’ve not used ‘lp’ in about 10 years I mostly missed this. Probably some sort of sandboxing or keychain thing; I filed a radar about it… [30/10 – this turned out to be a corrupted pref file on my Mac, the PrinterProxy.plist, though one still has to individually authenticate lpr jobs]
- (added 27/10) Time Machine does not work on desktop Macs connected to a UPS over USB. On MacBooks OS X does not run Time Machine when on battery power unless a checkbox in the TM preferences is checked. Looks like El Cap is assuming that the Mac is on permanent battery power, but of course does not reveal the option to tell it to back up anyway. Workaround – unplug the USB cable and do without auto-shutdown on power out.
More to be added as discovered.