I’ll start my blog off with a short explanation of what I’m hoping to achieve with this. Fame, fortune, and a cushy writing job would be nice, but seem unlikely.
I’m one of the computer support officers in the School of Mathematics and Physics. My primary responsibilities involve the Astrophysics Research Centre and School/Physics clerical staff, though I get to work with colleagues from all over Physics. I’m also involved with computer-related purchasing, do some research at times (Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in), and even outreach talks about the science of Science Fiction. Day to day I use Macs and Linux systems and I hope that through this blog I can spread various bits of useful information to colleagues in the School and beyond.
This is an experiment. It may work, it may not. Hopefully I learn something along the way.
To those interested, the background image is a snap of the front of my first Mac, a Classic (later upgraded to a Classic II), taken with my iPhone. How we’ve moved on…