Some tips for a safer Windows experience

Here are some simple tips to help you secure your Windows PC.

The checklist

  • Ensure that Windows Update is enabled and set to check for, and apply, updates daily.
  • Ensure that you have the campus AV solution (Symantec) installed. Other AV products are theoretically acceptable, but may well not be licensed for professional use (eg. AVG Free, etc).
  • Log on using a ‘normal’ user account – use a separate one for administrator access.
  • Avoid the ‘unholy trinity’ of often-exploited software – Java, Flash, and Adobe Reader – see below. Uninstall these from your PC.
  • Avoid Internet Explorer when possible – even Microsoft is moving past it!
  • Consider an update to Windows 10 if your software supports it; if not, try installing the Microsoft EMET toolkit – see below.
  • Accept that even if you do all of the above things will go wrong, and ensure you have suitable backups.

The Unholy Trinity

The “unholy trinity” are three commonly installed, and often exploited, bits of software. Removing these from your computer reduces the number of ways your machine can be exploited.
  • Java is often installed for no good reason, and even when it is needed the automatic update process is unsatisfactory, leaving older versions installed. If you don’t know that you need Java, remove it. If something important breaks then it’s easy to reinstall. Note that the commonly used ImageJ does not require a separate Java install – it has its own private copy.
  • Flash is possibly the most exploited software ever installed on a PC. For each of the last three months there have been urgent updated needed to address bugs which were being exploited in the wild. Not all of these were web-based either – exploits have been spread using Flash applets embedded in Word files. The only safe approach with Flash is not to install it. If there is a Flash site which you must use then Google Chrome with a suitable Flash blocking extension is a tolerable workaround, but not perfect.
  • Adobe Reader is not the only program which can read PDF files, but it is the most exploited one. Matters are made worse by the web browser plugin which is part of the default install, which allows PDFs embedded in web pages to open automatically. This has been used to spread malware in the past. Alternative PDF readers include FoxIt and SumatraPDF. If you must use Reader for certain documents (eg. encrypted files such as Inter-Library Loans) then don’t use it as your default PDF viewer and disable the web plugin. Also make sure that you are running the current version as the default installation on the PCs we buy is typically several versions out of date. 

Windows 10 and EMET

While Windows 7 is still getting security patches from Microsoft, it is an OS from 2009, and the state of the art in computer security has moved on since then. Windows 10 has many new features which help secure your PC, mitigating the effects of malware. Unless your software absolutely cannot work under Windows 10 then I suggest planning a migration sooner rather than later. Windows 10 seems quite happy on hardware which supports Windows 7.

If you are obliged to keep running Windows 7 (or 8) then you should strongly consider installing Microsoft EMET (Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit) which adds extra security layers that have proven effective in blocking some types of malware. In the default install it toughens up Office and Internet Explorer with no additional work needed.

If you only have one or two bits of software which won’t work in Windows 10 you may want to consider running them in a virtual machine. The School has a membership in the VMWare Academic Program which provides free copies of VMWare products to staff and students for teaching and research.

Web browsers

Even Microsoft has moved away from Internet Explorer, with their new Edge browser in Windows 10, though it’s still under heavy development and not really ready for prime time. As Edge is not even available for earlier versions of Windows I suggest installing either Chrome or Firefox and using them as your main browser. Both support a range of extensions such as advert (e.g. Adblock or AdBlock Plus) and flash (e.g. Flashblock, Flashcontrol) blockers which can help protect you from malicious applets and compromised advert servers.

More info

It’s OK not to understand everything written above; what’s not OK is to do nothing. If you don’t know, ask someone who does, like one of the school computer support staff.

You can find more information about campus computer security on the Information Services Data Security site – though you should ignore the suggestion about installing Adobe Reader! For more general computer security information Krebs on Security is an excellent starting point.

SSH into

Kelvin2 is the new QUB HPC system – access is typically via SSH, but if you’re using a Unix (Linux/OS X) terminal client then you may see an error message along these lines:

$ ssh
The ECDSA host key for has changed,
and the key for the corresponding IP address
is unknown. This could either mean that
DNS SPOOFING is happening or the IP address for the host
and its host key have changed at the same time.
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the ECDSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.

which is all very scary and unsettling. However it’s not actually anything to worry about.

Kelvin2 has four head nodes, so resolves to four different IP addresses (and virtual machines) – this is presumably for redundancy so if one machine fails the others are still available. Which is great, but as there is no telling which one you will be pointed to at any given time this leads OpenSSH to become unhappy and confused.

The workaround is to pre-populate the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts with the expected public keys, as shown below – these are very long single lines and the text box below will probably scroll to the right. Make sure to paste these into your known_hosts file as long lines, with no wrapping., ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBAHWMgZWOmETQjmych3RrxMyVcQgtVa1ndkrFbUpiFiP7aiZoVAcacyoGImJWMjKCU+ihkTtREXDz4EDDrMEce4=, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBLNqmr6N1XCVdDlkvnI+qxO8QMPsyYPk3zd/CmgKDdgDgdn7rCpJRR3qBuiRjTM0Ok/GWzYk/h8Axaba0CVpv30=, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBNQm41eL7A0QoTt9nwMz6gPZxw1L0i379r6f8lNQczoSQuLG9yp1M6ei7S0L6VwquBRkIMdmHzF4HtXmt33wy4k=, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBH1T8XlKSmbuHOn0eEIVHfrvzYDBm0G6i2ansLID5XKtedN3OoxU/PqL6glR9pHhN5TinVgOsYYjX+YxlULwoxs=

El Capitan 10.11.3 not obviously broken

El Cap 10.11.3 shipped a day or so ago, and I promptly installed on my Mac Pro. Often I counsel a day or two delay in such updates in case of problems, but in this case 10.11.2 was causing me such annoyance that I didn’t think it could get worse – I was badly hit by a bug which affected waking high-res screens from sleep.

Anyway, so far 11.3 seems OK. The monitor wake issue is fixed. Apparently the problem removing receipt files which was introduced in 11.2 is fixed, so that makes Munki happy again. And has not obviously started using 150% CPU while sitting doing nothing. So that’s all good, and maybe it’s time to think about updating to El Cap if you haven’t already done so.

Macs which hang while booting

I’m publishing this post in the hope that it’s helpful to someone Googling for help. Obviously you should exercise caution when you read anything on the internet, and this involves running your Mac in single-user mode and using the command line. If you’re not comfortable with this then ask someone to assist you. And if this causes your computer to explode then don’t blame me – anyway, you have a backup, yes?

I’ve seen numerous Macs running Yosemite encounter a situation where, for some reason or other, they need a forced reboot but then refuse to start up properly afterwards. Typically this ends up needing an OS reinstall to fix, despite everything appearing to be OK.

The typical sequence of events is that the Mac ‘goes bad’ for some reason or other, and gets powered off forcibly. On reboot things progress OK until the login sequence hangs with the progress bar around 1/3 the way along, generally freezing just after the mouse pointer becomes visible in the top left corner of the screen. The mouse can be moved around, but the machine is never booting, no matter how long it takes.

When booted to recovery mode all checks out OK. The machine can boot in single user mode too and nothing is obviously wrong, though the system logs in /var/log/system.log show rapid turnover and are full of errors about launchd tasks such as mDNSresponder failing to start due to “file or directory not found” errors. However the files in question are all there when one types ‘ls’.

Typically at this point one just gives up and reinstalls OS X, which is thankfully relatively straightforward these days. However today I was poking about some more, and worked out that the problem (for at least this Mac) was not that the files were not present, but that they were not accessible for the daemon users trying to run them – it turned out that the Unix permissions on the root partition were wrong.

The Unix permissions for root portion (/) in OS X should be 755 – or rwxr-xr-x – which means root can read/write/execute and group/other users can only read/execute. For whatever reason – maybe a bad remount after the forced shutdown – the execute bits were no longer set on this machine, so only processes running as root could access the drive properly. Since OS X tries to run most daemons as non-root users, they kept failing and booting stalled. All I had to do was chmod the root partition back to its proper settings and all was well again. To do this

  • Boot the Mac in single user mode – hold Command-S at boot until the screen turns into a black background with white text scrolling past
  • Make the hard drive writable by typing
    • fsck -fy
    • mount -uw /
  • Check the permissions on the root (/) mount by typing
    • ls -ld /
  • If the start of the line this command displays is not drwxr-xr-x then type
    • chmod 755 /
  • Finally type exit and press return to restart the machine

Hopefully at this point the Mac will reboot and start up properly. Obviously if the permissions on the root partition are drwxr-xr-x already then you have a different problem…

El Capitan still not ready for prime time…

I’m still not having fun with El Capitan, even after 10.11.2 shipped.

First problem – for people who upgrade from 10.10 and earlier using the App Store installer, the contents of /var/db/receipts/ are deleted – this means that Munki, and any other program which depends on installer receipts to keep track of installed software, decides nothing is installed and wants to reinstall everything. This is tedious, but not terminal, I guess. The problem does not arise when updating an existing 10.11 install to 10.11.2, at least.

Second problem – and one which is directly affecting me and is therefore a crisis – is that detection of multiple displays seems flaky. I have a Mac Pro (trashcan model) with two external displays. While I’ve had intermittent issues with display detection, after applying 10.11.2 it’s been hideous – generally only one display will detect reliably, though if I power everything down and up again maybe it will work after a half hour of cable shuffling. Most vexing. Only way around it at the moment seems to be not letting screens go to sleep once they’re working, which is hardly satisfying.

At the moment I think that if Yosemite is working out OK for you, stay there!

Fun with Migration Assistant, part 1099828

Migration Assistant is one of those things which will either work perfectly (most of the time) and save you much effort, or else will fail in interesting and subtle manners and annoy the heck out of you until you fathom what it did wrong.

Most recently I was migrating someone from a 2007 iMac to a nice new 27″ 5K iMac – quite the update. I only migrated their user account – I tend to reinstall apps from scratch, especially with such a significant migration. All seemed OK at first, but a few issues came up:

  • Google Drive would not sync – when double-clicking the App icon it would only open the sync directory, but not actually run
  • Latexian could not export a PDF if it involved overwriting an existing file
  • The Trash was not working – if you tried to drag something to it the only option was to delete immediately

The first problem turned out to be due to Google Drive having installed various things in ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Drive which were apparently out of date. Deleting this folder and re-running the Drive app sorted that problem out.

The second problem was more subtle, but turned out to be down to incorrect ownership of the user directory. While the username was the same for the new account, the userID number was different. It looks like Migration Assistant created the new account, gave it UID number 502, but created the home directory with the UID 503, which was the UID for the old Mac. All folders within the home directory had the correct ownership, so you were able to read/write properly below that, but nothing new could be created in the home folder, like the .Trashes/ folder. Once I figured this out a quick ‘sudo chown’ fixed things right up.

In summary, to paraphrase President Reagan, one may trust Migration Assistant, but always verify…

Flash must die

Ming The MercilessThis message sponsored by Ming the Merciless…

An interesting story from Ars Technica. Hackers took control of a site which site authors use to inject anti-adblock code to their pages. They then injected code into the site which popped up a window telling users their Flash install was out of date, and offering a link to a download which was – of course – malware.

A few lessons from this –

  • It’s still best to have no Flash installed, as then you know it’s a malicious popup
  • I’m still going to run AdBlock to avoid compromises of ad servers
  • I’m still going to remove Flash on any computer I see

Things which are broken on El Capitan

Being a list of things which make me want to throw a computer out the window

  • On my MacBook got thoroughly confused, and was unable to send mail, change SMTP server, or edit the SMTP server list – the popup menu had several blank lines instead. In the end nuking ~/Library/Accounts/ (via another admin account) seemed to restore things, though I had to reconfigure all my accounts.
  • On my Mac Pro the SMTP server settings were OK, but various other Mail settings were reset, such as loading remote images, default composing as Rich Text, turning on the Junk Mail filter… And ‘conversation view’ on one of my accounts is broken, but OK on the others.
  • Command line printing to the MFD queues seems dead. While it seems merely vexing on older OS X releases (one has to manually authenticate each job) on El Cap it just hangs the print queue app. Since I’ve not used ‘lp’ in about 10 years I mostly missed this. Probably some sort of sandboxing or keychain thing; I filed a radar about it… [30/10 – this turned out to be a corrupted pref file on my Mac, the PrinterProxy.plist, though one still has to individually authenticate lpr jobs]
  • (added 27/10) Time Machine does not work on desktop Macs connected to a UPS over USB. On MacBooks OS X does not run Time Machine when on battery power unless a checkbox in the TM preferences is checked. Looks like El Cap is assuming that the Mac is on permanent battery power, but of course does not reveal the option to tell it to back up anyway. Workaround – unplug the USB cable and do without auto-shutdown on power out.

More to be added as discovered.

From the top of the mountain

With the release of El Capitan .1 last week I decided it was time to take the plunge and update. Everything on the Munki server side is now in place for the upgrade – to their credit Symantec were prompt to issue an update for SEP, and updates for other apps came out pretty quickly too. With the .1 update supposedly fixing the Office 2016 issues I figured it was time to move.

First I made sure I had good backups, using Time Machine and also Carbon Copy Cloner. Then I just ran the installer and let it do its thing. Afterwards I ran Managed Software Centre to update SEP, etc, and all seemed fine. Of course I’m now about 2 hours in, so there is plenty of time to regret this…

A few points to note

  • The MacPorts update was very slow. I’m not sure of the cause but the self-update step took at least 10 minutes, which seems a lot. I don’t think this is an El Cap issue, just coincidental server slowness.
  • GoodSync needs updates to quash various bugs.
  • Anyone using GoodSync to backup their local mailboxes needs to note that under El Cap the local mailboxes have moved from ~/Library/Mail/V2/Mailboxes to ~/Library/Mail/V3/Mailboxes and update their backups accordingly.

El Cap

I’ve still not done much with an actual install of El Capitan, though I have it on an old MacBook Pro for testing. I have been working on some back-end things to make sure that machines using my Munki service should upgrade OK, and I think I’m about there – a test install of Yosemite with packages like Symantec EndPoint, Latex, etc upgraded OK, though with various caveats.

  • You need to be running MacTeX 2015 for a smooth update due to restrictions on what can be installed in the ‘unix’ directories under El Cap.
  • Symantec had an update for SEP out within a few days, and that seems OK. On my Munki service I have set things so the update is only pushed to machines running El Cap as the previous version seems to be fine on Yosemite, and I don’t see the point in fixing what ain’t broke.
  • MS Office 2016 seems to be badly broken, and according to Microsoft the fixes will be coming from Apple in an OS X update. How much this affects you depends on how much you use Office. Me – not at all.
  • MacPorts has been updated and supports El Cap, though as always a reinstall of all ports is needed for a major OS update.
  • IDL 8.5 seems to be OK, though it does not officially support El Cap.
  • Ureka (IRAF) already explicitly supports El Cap in the latest release – 1.5.2.
  • X11 seems OK under xquartz 2.77 but 2.78 seems close to release with some bug fixes.

At the moment I still don’t recommend installing El Cap on a ‘work’ machine which you can’t afford to lose. Maybe once 10.11.1 is out – though I have some new incoming Macs which I assume will ship with El Cap now, so they’ll be ‘volunteering’ to test.