If you are joining the School as a PGR or PDRA in the 2019-20 academic year and are being issued a MacBook then the information below will be of use. Please review it before making an appointment to come see the School IT staff to collect the Mac.
All new machines are registered with the Apple Device Enrolment Program (DEP) which means that they will mostly set themselves up when turned on and connected to the network. You should review this video which gives you an overview of what to expect. Please note that the video features a Thunderbolt 3 docking solution which we are not giving out this year – instead we are issuing a USB-C hub for most users. In addition, when the registration wizard is running, do not use accented characters when entering your name – at best they will be ignored, more likely the wizard will hang.
Once the basic setup has completed, you will find yourself at the Mac desktop. If you’re not familiar with macOS then you should review the information available from macOS Help option under Help. You may also find this link useful.
If you are familiar with macOS, you’ll need to know about the way we run our systems.