Security patches

At the end of last week a disturbing security issue was acknowledged in iOS and OS X Mavericks – the effect was that SSL certificates were not properly authenticated, so people were vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. The flaw affected iOS6, iOS7, and OS X 10.9 Mavericks; third party testing suggested OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and earlier OS X releases were fine.

Patches were released last week for iOS6 and iOS7, though the iOS6 update only worked on devices which were not capable of running iOS7 – this was enough to make me update my iPhone and iPad to iOS7, which I had resisted on grounds of taste to this point (aside – iOS7 ain’t so bad after all)

Today (Tuesday) Apple released OS X Mavericks 10.9.2, which includes fixes for the problem along with a lot of other issues – while it’s good to have the fix, it’s unfortunate that it’s rolled in with the general system update. Nonetheless Mavericks users should update as soon as possible (after making proper backups).

Interestingly Apple also released updates for Lion (10.7) and Mountain Lion (10.8) to address the SSL issue and other bugs which had already been fixed in Mavericks. The ongoing lack of fixes for these bugs is something I wrote about before and was what led me (and others) to assume that the Lions had been abandoned in favour of Mavericks. Of course, as soon as I finish rolling Mavericks out to a number of people Apple issues the long-awaited security patch… Thanks guys.

There are also updates for Safari to address various security bugs, but notably there is nothing for OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), apparently confirming earlier suspicions that Apple no longer supports 10.6; a definitive statement would be useful but clearly isn’t going to happen. Anyway, if you’re still using Snow Leopard on a machine which you can update to Mavericks (or Mountain Lion) you should do so; if the Mac won’t support Lion and later then I’m afraid it’s time for a new Mac, right now.

Anyway, after all this patching you might assume that you’re safe. Sorry. Now there’s evidence of a flaw in iOS7 which allows a malicious app to monitor keystrokes. So far this is a proof of concept only – there’s no evidence this is being exploited in the wild, but the PoC app did get published in the App Store, so malicious apps may already be out there. Yay. One assumes there will be another iOS patch very soon.

I’m reminded of the quip about thermodynamics – you can’t win; you can’t break even; you can’t even quit the game.

Lest Windows users start to feel smug, it turns out that the EMET hardening toolkit on Windows can be bypassed, and Microsoft also rolled out a patch for flaws in Windows Update which has to be applied outside of Windows Update, so probably most people will never even hear about it…

Finally, there are urgent updates for Flash (what else is new?) which once more illustrates the importance of limiting your Flash use as much as possible though the use of Click-to-run extensions, even if you only have Flash via Google Chrome.

Maths are munitions, you know

It’s a little known fact (amongst normal people) that encryption algorithms are considered to be munitions in law. Thus those little equations are governed by the same laws as exports of fighter jets, etc. Why should you care? Well, if you use a laptop for QUB work, you should be encrypting its storage to protect any sensitive content on it – and given that ‘sensitive’ is a loose term it’s best to encrypt under all circumstances. If, however, you go travelling then suddenly you have a dangerous item under your control.

While most jurisdictions permit the personal use of encryption, some forbid it without explicit permission. While unlikely, it’s possible that a border guard could insist on the machine being decrypted, and it could be seized. Thus the sensible approach is to *not* bring your laptop to one of these countries, but to bring a spare system which is unencrypted but contains nothing but the bare essentials for your trip.

The university is not aware of any staff being affected by this as yet, but it is best to be aware of the possibilities. I had a conversation about this last week with senior folks in IS.

You can find a list of the “difficult” destinations at

The destinations which some of you may go to, which do require care, are:

  • China – a permit issued by the Beijing Office of State Encryption Administrative Bureau is required.
  • Hungary – an International Import Certificate is required.
  • Israel – a license from the Director-General of the Ministry of Defense is required.
  • Russia – licenses issued by both the Federal Security Service and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade are required. License applications should be submitted by an entity officially registered in Russia.
  • Saudi Arabia  – it has been reported that the use of encryption is generally banned, but inconsistent information exists.
  • Ukraine – a license issued by the Department of Special Telecommunication Systems and Protection of Information of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) is required.

Especially in the case of Russia and China, given the known risks of state-sponsored (highly competent) hacking, it would be prudent to adopt maximum paranoia, use a loaner laptop which is erased on return, and change all passwords. Indeed, one might well set up a ‘burner’ email address to use for the trip, and not touch normal accounts in the meantime.

As Snowden has shown, you can’t be too paranoid these days.


Let’s do the Time Warp again

I know I should update this blog more often, but I keep having to deal with problems which are blog worthy. There’s an irony. I have a lovely post coming up about problems with and adding CRLFs to text files, for example. That episode is enough to have me looking at using Outlook for work email.

Anyway, this post is about the importance of backups. Plural. One backup is never enough, as I was reminded yesterday.

Our MSci iMacs are backed up to a QNAP NAS which offers Time Machine compatibility. The only officially supported network Time Machine clients are either Apple’s Time Capsule or else storage served up by OS X Server. Neither work well for us – Time Capsule is a home technology, and I’ve had enough problems with OS X Server (post Snow Leopard) that the proverbial wild horses would not get me back to using it again. I wanted to use networked Time Machine as we had a small issue with roof leaks which meant that machines and their USB-attached backup drives were getting soaked (fair play to Apple, one iMac has been rained on twice and still works fine), and the QNAP seemed like a reasonable choice.

On a local USB disk Time Machine works by copying files direct to the drive; simple and efficient. On a network disk, no matter the source, it creates what’s called a sparse bundle disk image. This is a directory which emulates a single file, sort of like an ISO CD image. The directory contains multiple smaller files, called bands, which sort-of correspond to sectors on the virtual drive. These are 8MB each, and the idea is that only sectors which are needed are created. The problem with this approach is that for large disk images, say around the TB level, you’re looking at maybe 120,000 of them, which might be a lot of overhead for the server to deal with.

A machine had a hard drive failure, so I brought up the spare and started to restore files from the Time Machine backup using Migration Assistant. All went OK apart from a 500GB directory, which would only copy at around 1-200 kB/s, and that on a gigabit LAN capable of up to 100MB/s. I tried many different options to get at the data and no matter what I did the machine was intolerably slow, and crashed entirely twice. At this point I was most unhappy, and found myself wishing for a second backup (which I had said we’d needed and been overruled on).

In the end, I managed to get the data off the machine by turning off all Apple file sharing, mounting the TimeMachine partition via NFS on my iMac, opening the disk image and copying the files out from there. That worked OK, giving me the expected 50MB/s transfers. So clearly the disk image was OK, it’s just that the QNAP could not serve it efficiently over the AFP protocol.

Lessons from this? Firstly, always have more than one backup. I’ve already ordered some USB hard drives and set up an rsync script to a remote server as a stopgap to a better networked solution. Secondly, I don’t think that networked Time Machine is a good idea, however it’s done. On my home network I’ve had issues with disk images getting corrupted on my Time Capsule, or just failing without an error, and that’s with 100% Apple kit. Relying on an unapproved third-party work-alike for important things is not worth the risk. In the future I think I’ll be using locally attached hard drives for Time Machine, and some other network arrangements for disaster recovery – either rsync or Chronosync are top of my list. Along with some proper ‘enterprise’ grade storage…

Now, back to playing with Outlook. Sigh.