Hello! I can’t wait to share with you my wonderful experience attending the Scientists Tales Training organized by the MCAA UK (Marie Curie Alumni Association United Kingdom). It was a full day storytelling (for scientists) workshop held on Saturday the 13th of April 2019 in London (HTA Design LLP).

How did I end up there? Well, first of all you need to know that as Marie Curie Alumni, we have the opportunity to attend a variety of events around the world, organised by the main Marie Curie Alumni Association or, like in this case, one of the local/national chapters. I know, I know…it’s not “my” Norwegian chapter, but I found so many good reasons to go that not even the time to think about that, I booked the plane!  I have always loved scientific communication, especially when addressed to general public (maybe you remember my last blog? Or maybe not, so go and check! ). And this exotic combination of tales and science sounded too much charming to me, to be ignored…and London, you know, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”

Clare Murphy was the “guest star” of the day. She’s an international storyteller and such an inspiring and funny woman! Step by step she helped us to understand and improve those skills often ignored by “serious” scientists. Above all, empathy with the audience. Every kind of audience. Games, exercises and thoughts to fill a perfect day where self-criticism was not invited!

I flew home with an “extra luggage” of motivation, more and more convinced of the huge importance of communication in science. Direct, clear and funny communication.

Making people involved and interested in what science does is a first mandatory step to help research and progress. I will never be tired to reiterate how much important is for a scientist to go out from the lab and share, share, share.

Only in that way the “Once upon a time…” of the perfect science-tale, can end in the classic “they lived happily ever after”…scientists and everybody!


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