My name is Tarek LAHJOUJI from Morocco, member of the innovative training network (ITN) of the “PROTECTED” project. Currently, I have been living in Toulouse, capital of Occitanian, one of romantic and wonderful city, which is located in the South of France. It is known as the Pink City (Rose City), renowned for its atmosphere where life is good and its history thanks to its important architectural and artistic heritage. I have been here to pursue my PhD thesis at the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA), in the team of Biosynthesis & Toxicity of Mycotoxins, A unit made of a team that continues to accumulate success in this area. Joining this project has given me the opportunity to meet a lot of people and colleagues from several nationalities with whom I share great motivations to acquire more expertise and to realize more and more experiences.

For the PROTECTED project, several kinds of events are programmed, conferences, summer schools and courses in several other countries a part of France. The mobilities that I have done so far, allowed me to explore new countries, discover new cultures, and develop my linguistic and communication skills. All these facts have helped me to make a new relational and professional network. Likewise, all above mentioned, inspired me through the different ideas and the several themes tackled. During the last week of May 2018, I had a chance to attend the “Summit on Global Food Integrity”, that took place in Belfast, Ireland a city that has welcomed me with a great opportunity to participate in a lighting talks session, by presenting a short presentation of my thesis project to the participants. They include a research study about a group of mycotoxins and their effects on the intestines. However, it was my first but everlasting experience in such intervention. I enjoyed the experience and got the confidence that I am capable to participate and attend more and more whenever an opportunity arises.


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