Hi all,
I’m Que, from Vietnam. I am completing my PhD in the University of Liege, Belgium thanks to the Marie Curie grant in the Horizon’s 2020 Program on the Protection Against Endocrine Disruption (PROTECTED).

I like toxicology and I am keen on working with toxic chemicals like dioxins. I am currently working with the cells, trying to find the effect of a group of toxic chemicals on the gene expression.

I’m now in Valencia, Spain, for my one month secondment. I am here to learn about statistics and modellings; you know, statistics and modelling are really important for a biologist like me, but they always give me a headache even though I’ve attended a lot of courses about this before!

Thankfully, with the help from people here, especially Elizabeth Goya Jorge, I am starting to understand what I had learnt before and know how to interpret the data as well as working protein modelling. Now I feel more confident to do some simple tasks and know who I can ask when I get in trouble 

I was so excited to go to Valencia because, apart from the purpose of my secondment, I knew I would have had sun everyday there- We don’t have much good weather in Belgium!

Not only that, I love oranges and they have the best oranges ever as well.

Valencia is such a lovely city with really friendly people.

Lucky me, I was there during their biggest festival, the Fallas Click here to see more!, which was added to UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

During the festival, the city becomes so lively with the sounds and colours from fireworks “Mascletà” every day and fallas, the firecracker-filled cardboard and paper artistic monument in every street. During “L’Ofrena de flors” scheduled from 15th to 19th March, all the women and men wear beautiful traditional costumes and present offering of flowers to the Virgin Mary.

This will be my last week of my secondment, I will miss Valencia and the people here a lot.


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