Hello everyone,

My name is Maria Christou and I am one of the 15 PhD students working on the ITN European funded network called ProtectED (Protection against endocrine disrupting chemicals). I am employed by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) in Oslo. My research focuses on the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on fish welfare. More specifically, we want to investigate whether early life exposure has an effect on the later stages of development in an animal, which has been used a lot as a model, the small but very prominent, zebrafish. During these experiments, we will build population dynamics models and perform molecular, behavioral and reproductive tests on the adult zebrafish.

After some preparatory months setting up the fish facility where the fish are going to be held, I am now in the process of starting my main experiments from which my PhD is going to be based on. Zebrafish larvae are very sensitive so we try to provide the best care and environment we can so they can grow and be as much as possible healthy despite their early life exposure to pollutants.

Outside of work I had my first opportunity in trying the national sport of Norway, cross country skiing. Norwegians love cross country and they even say that they learn ski well before they can walk. I went with a friend and colleague, Silje, in Sognsvann, a popular place for skiing and there I had my first lesson. I cannot say that it went very good, seeing that I fell multiple times, but all in all it was a very nice experience and I would like to improve my technique so I can reach at least the skill level of a 3 year old Norwegian.

In addition, we had some very cold days the past week with temperatures dropping as low an -20 degrees Celsius. It was so cold at some points that even Norwegians were complaining that it was too cold! As they told me, this winter has been one of the worst winters in many years and I was very ‘fortunate’ to be here and experience that. But on the other site Norwegians say that they have seen more snow this winter than the previous winters and for that they are happy!

I look forward to seeing all of you in Belfast this May for the summer school!


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