Author: Richard Fallis


ClinicalKey access now restored

We are pleased to announce that, following recent issues, ClinicalKey is fully accessible again to Healthcare Library members. Access ClinicalKey via the link in our Databases A-Z, logging in with...


Current awareness bulletins – feedback required

Tell us what you think of our current awareness bulletins Click the link below to complete a short online survey about the Healthcare Library’s current awareness bulletins. Current awareness bulletin...


ClinicalKey: an overview of what’s new

ClinicalKey will be changing in the coming months. New content and features will be added, including a new mobile app. To learn about these changes, HSC staff can sign up...


Skin Cancer Awareness Month May 2021

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, so why not check out some of the Healthcare Library of Northern Ireland’s useful skin cancer and general dermatology resources? E-books: Find these by...


Current awareness bulletins and HSC emails

If you subscribe to Richard Fallis’ medicine, dentistry and healthcare sciences current awareness bulletins, but are not currently receiving them via your HSC Trust email, please remember that you can...


RefWorks Cancellation

The Library will be cancelling its RefWorks subscription for Queen’s University Belfast students, staff and alumni at the end of December 2020. RefWorks users should switch to using another reference...