Lancet Specialty Journals now available via ClinicalKey

We are pleased to announce that the full range of Lancet specialty journals is now available to HONNI users via ClinicalKey.

Lancet Speciality Journals

Lancet – Volume 369 (2007) > present

Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology – Volume 1 (2013) > present

Lancet Global Health – Volume 1 (2013) > present

Lancet Haematology – Volume 1 (2014) > present

Lancet HIV – Volume 1 (2014) > present

Lancet Infectious Diseases – Volume 7 (2007) > present

Lancet Neurology – Volume 6 (2007) > present

Lancet Oncology – Volume 8 (2007) > present

Lancet Psychiatry – Volume 1 (2014) > present

Lancet Respiratory Medicine – Volume 1 (2013) > present

You can access these journals in 2 ways:

(1)    Go to and search for ClinicalKey. Click Online Access underneath the catalogue result for ClinicalKey. Log in with your HONNI details, and when ClinicalKey opens click Journals. Use the Browse Journals box to search for Lancet. All Lancet specialty journals will be displayed. Click on a journal to view available issues/articles.

(2)    Go to and click E-Journals A-Z. When the A-Z opens, type Lancet into the search box and click Search. All Lancet specialty journals will be displayed. Click on the blue ClinicalKey link underneath each journal to view available issues/articles (some of the journals may have links to other publishers in addition to ClinicalKey).

If you have any questions about these journals, or using ClinicalKey, please contact your local HSC Librarian or your Subject Librarian.


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