Move from Internurse to Cinahl Complete
We are always looking to improve your access to online journals, as well as ensuring we get maximum value for money from our resources. To this end, we recently upgraded our CINAHL subscription. Your HONNI username and password now allow you to access the CINAHL Complete package – which includes a further 600 full-text nursing and health titles.
Recently the Internurse interface was updated, and unfortunately some search functionality was lost. As 85% of the titles available via internurse are also available via CINAHL Complete, we have taken the decision to cancel our very expensive HSC Internurse subscription. Only 3 journals on the Internurse platform are currently unavailable via the new improved CINAHL Complete package – any articles from those titles required by HSC staff can be supplied free of charge from other parts of our collection, subject to copyright.
If you would like help with searching the new CINAHL, or any other nursing resources, then please contact the Subject Librarian Patricia Watt at
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