Library support: when, where, how? A short survey

This survey is now closed.  The results will be posted here as soon as they are available.

honni (Health on the Net Northern Ireland) brings together print and online resources, to help all HSC staff in Northern Ireland with their evidence-based practice.

As one of the many benefits, we offer FREE training.  Our qualified subject librarians are here to help you get the most out of honni.  We can also train you in how to make the best use of specialised databases and online resources for your professional area – like Cinahl, Medline, eBooks and others.  We want to make sure that we are providing the training that you need, and would appreciate your help in completing our survey.  It should take only around 5 minutes to complete and is open until 31 May 2014.

Survey Closed on 31 May 2014
Thank you for taking part.  We value your feedback and will use the results to help us tailor our training to your individual needs.

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