Improvements to full-text linking

In order to determine if an article is available in full text and, if so, link to the article, library systems need to use something called a link resolver.  Some link resolvers are better than others at performing this work and we have been aware that the one honni was using had serious limitations.  It will be familiar to you as the following image:


Now a new link resolver has been implemented which should greatly improve information about full text availability and access to the full text of articles.  The new resolver can be seen in databases such as Cinahl, Pubmed, and Proquest Medical Library, as well as in the Articles section of honni Encore.  It is still called honniConnect but it uses a different image and will appear as follows:


For all journals which require a subscription you obviously have to log in before you can access the full text of articles, and that will always be true.  However, from ‘honni Encore’ you will now be required to login before you can see whether or not full text is available.  It only applies to ‘honni Encore’, not to any of the databases, although if you are already logged in you wouldn’t notice anyway.  We are exploring possibilities for altering this so that login is only required when actually connecting to the full text, and we will update this notice when more information is available.

We think you will find the new honniConnect much more accurate and reliable, and we sincerely hope your experience will be a positive one.  Please let us know either way.

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