Changes to Document Delivery Service

From 1st September 2013 an increased charge of £8 per item will be introduced for books and journals requested for you by the Medical & HSC Library from the British Library or other external organisation.

The Library currently charges 50p for any journal article sent out to a library member.  This is no longer sustainable as the library  has experienced a significant reduction in funding and  the cost of obtaining  books or articles on inter-library loan  is in the region of £9-£14 depending on the medium, speed of delivery and source.

The Medical & HSC Library will no longer charge 50p for  articles and will endeavour to provide as much material as possible free of charge from within the local network of Queen’s University and HSC libraries while also increasing access to e-journals and books.

To request material please fill in the online request form at

Library staff will try to source the book or article from the local network of QUB and HSC libraries but failing that will request the item from the British Library.  If you do not want to incur a charge please state in the Other information  field that you do not want the item if it is not available locally.

Vouchers will no longer be issued after 1st June 2013 and payment will be by cash/cheque or credit card only.  Receipts will be provided on payment of charges.  Existing vouchers will cease to be valid from the end of December 2013.

If you require any more information on the service or proposed changes please contact

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