Searching Ovid databases? Use Chrome or Firefox

The problem with Ovid databases in QUB Student Computing Centres has now been resolved. Updated 11th November 2013

At the minute, you might find that Ovid databases such as MEDLINE and EMBASE aren’t accessible via Internet Explorer in the QUB Student Computing Centres. Clicking on the links to these databases in QCat Discover or in LibGuides might bring you to an ‘Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage’ error message.

The library is currently working with IT to fix this problem.

In the meantime, the Ovid databases are accessible in the Student Computing Centres via Chrome or Firefox (though in these browsers the databases may take approximately 60 seconds to load).

If you have any queries about the Ovid databases, please contact Richard Fallis, Subject Librarian for Medicine, Dentistry & Biomedical Sciences:

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