UpToDate trial

3 October 2012: The UpToDate trial has now ended.  We will be endeavouring to negotiate a deal with the publisher and we will keep you informed via the blog.

from 1st August for 6 weeks

The Medical & HSC Library is running a trial to UpToDate via honni (www.honni.qub.ac.uk) in order to assess interest in procuring it on a regional basis for all Trusts.

UpToDate is a clinical decision support system that helps clinicians throughout the world provide the best patient care. It is based on the current medical evidence with a view to answer clinical questions quickly and easily at the point of care. It is created by a faculty of over 4800 physician experts who synthesize the current medical literature, incorporating the latest evidence-based medicine, providing specific, reliable and succinct clinical answers for all aspects of patient care. The available clinical evidence is vigorously peer reviewed prior to publication, and further enriched through feedback by physicians in about 150 countries.

In addition to comprehensive presentation of the evidence, each topic offers practical, detailed, and evidence-based recommendations that clinicians can use at the point of care. There is no question that UpToDate offers the most current, authoritative and easily accessible information available on a clinical topic.

To access the UpToDate trial click


Your feedback is important: Your feedback on the clinical value of UpToDate will be a decisive factor on whether to purchase UpToDate regionally.  Please provide your feedback to Angela Thompson (Faculty Librarian, Medical & HSC Library), a.m.thompson@qub.ac.uk

13 Responses

  1. daniel flannery says:

    definitly needed for home on-call queries and reviews

  2. Carolynne Doherty says:

    Valuable resource for students and professionals. Individual subscription is prohibitively expensive!

  3. Cathal Steele says:

    Thank you for providing an UpToDate trial. This is a very useful resource and I hope the trial can be exended to permanent availability

  4. Liz Abernethy says:

    I hope this access can be continued. It is most useful for CPD and for reference from home. thank you

  5. Colm Watters says:

    Valuable resource and helpful treatment guide that is easy to use in the ED

  6. Athinyaa Thiraviaraj says:

    This will be a valuable resource for clinicians, especially at nights and OoH. A link through HONNI would be very welcome as its availability would be constant no matter where you work( particularly useful for trainees, who move every 6 months)

  7. Gerry Sloan says:

    Excellent to see this trial. Often looked for by trainees at ward level to give appropriate evident base to difficult clinical decisions. Invaluable.

  8. Danny Smith says:

    Excellent online source of peer reviewed information.
    Its the best of its type out there.
    Really useful for most specialities.

  9. Michael Kinney says:

    We need this on the ward, it would be used on a daily basis! It is absolutely essential and a reliable resource, that we can trust to make safe, evidence based, sound decisions, that would make patient care better.

  10. S Hughes says:

    This trial has proved that this is an invaluable resource for us, I hope permanent access will be obtained.

  11. David Graham says:

    As a paediatric trainee I find this to be an excellent resource to have online as not all trusts in NI can supply it. Very good for oncall point of care access. Please make permanent…

  12. Aoibhin Hutchinson says:

    In my opinion this is definitely one of the best resources available. Permanent access would be invaluable.

  13. Muhammad Mohsin says:

    UpToDate is the best out of all medical resources and keep you UPTODATE according to the evidence based medicine. It was one of the best step by QUB to get trail membership and I fully support and second my colleagues who favour its Permanent membership by QUB.

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