honniconnect from Pubmed

THIS PROBLEM HAS BEEN RESOLVED.  If you notice any further issues with honniConnect from Pubmed please email med.info@qub.ac.uk with details.  (7/8/2012)

There is currently a problem with honniconnect from Pubmed which means that it is not displaying the appropriate availability of articles in full-text.  So the Pubmed entry in the honni catalogue has been changed temporarily to the standard Pubmed URL which does not contain any honniconnect links.

You can still determine if an article is available in full text by searching for the journal title in honni Encore.  The dates of any available full text are displayed which you can compare against the published article date to determine if the article is available.  You can then connect to the source of the journal to locate the article.

For example, the article “Acute absolute vasodilatation is associated with a lower vascular wall stiffness in pulmonary arterial hypertension” is found in Pubmed.  From the citation you can see that it is published in the International Journal of Cardiology, July 2011.  In honni Encore a search for the International Journal of Cardiology shows that it is available in full text via Science Direct from 1995 on.  Connect to Science Direct, search for the article title and/or author within the International Journal of Cardiology, and connect to the full text.

Please note that if you still see honniconnect links in Pubmed it is probably because you have accessed it through a bookmarked page.  If this happens you should either ignore the honniconnect links or connect to Pubmed directly from the honni catalogue.  This notification will be updated appropriately when the problem is resolved.



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