Inter-Library Loan Service Update, 25th May

The British Library has just issued an update with regard to their delay in supplying some inter-library loan requests. Although the restoration work is unlikely to be completed before the end of this year, there has been significant progress with regard to the availability of stock.

Journal articles
The most heavily used serials which accounts for 55% of the affected document supply orders will become available from the end of this month.

From June, work to restore access to current monographs will get underway.

Alternative sources
The British Library have introduced a number of initiatives to try to complete orders from alternative sources. Also, local Library staff will continue to obtain material from other locations whenever possible in an effort to satisfy requests more quickly.

Further information
If you would like an update on any of your outstanding requests please contact the Inter-Library Loan Department on 9063 2551 (The Medical Library).

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