Medicines Complete Trial

MedicinesComplete is the online service from RPS Publishing and provides online access to some of the world’s leading drug and healthcare references. It now combines information on more than 10,000 drug, poison, interaction and herbal monographs; the latest advice on prescribing, dispensing and administering drugs and medicines; up-to-date guidance on disease treatments, disease management and therapeutics; and the latest advice on analysing, formulating and preparing drugs, medicines and many other pharmaceutical products.

Drug resources covered include the British National Formulary, the British National Formulary for Children, Clarke’s Analysis of Drugs and Poisons, the Handbook of Injectable Drugs, Martindale: the complete drug reference, The Merck Index, Stockley’s Drug Interactions and Stockley’s Interaction Alerts.

Access is both on and off campus by logging on to the honni e-Lib and under Find Database searching for Medicines Complete. The trial will be available until the end of June. Please forward any comments about the resource to the subject librarian for Pharmacy, Alex McIlroy (

2 Responses

  1. Lorraine Mullan says:

    Invaluable internet source. Access to many sources used frequently as a pharmacist.

  2. Stephen Guy says:

    Medicines complete is an invaluable resource and should be available long term through HONNI. Access from any PC using HONNI ID and password make it very accessible at ward level and saves time returning to pharmacy to use it.

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